UNAIR NEWS – The Community Service Department of the Faculty of Medicine’s Student Executive Board (BEM), Universitas Airlangga, with the student affairs unit, partnered with Wire Community Health Center (Puskesmas), organized a Foster Village Program at SMPN 2 Semanding, Genaharjo Village, Tuban. Program Manager Arief Suryadana explained that the initiative was a response to the increasing incidence of stunting in Tuban, which exceeds the nationwide prevalence of stunting cases. The program aims to prevent and sustainably reduce the prevalence of stunting in Tuban Regency.
“The Foster Village program provides an opportunity for 37 student volunteers from the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, to engage with the community and apply their knowledge,” he stated.
The Foster Village participation
Under the guidance of Dr Sulistiawati dr MKes and Raden Argarini dr MKes PhD, health examinations were conducted at SMPN 2 Semanding including six types of exams, with counsel by Puskesmas. These cover height, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, upper arm circumference, and hemoglobin levels only for female students.
These examinations aim to detect anemia and Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED), which affect the readiness of adolescent girls for reproductive roles. Thus, detection accompanied by intervention, such as the provision of iron supplementation tablets to the students, serves as an initial step in stunting prevention. Furthermore, guidance on proper medication intake was also provided to ensure optimal and effective usage.

Achieving better health
A total of 439 students and 25 educators from SMPN 2 Semanding have undergone a series of health examinations along with counseling sessions. They are expected to comprehend the importance and methods of adopting a healthy lifestyle and achieving optimal nutrition for better health.
The exams’ results also serve as referrals for patients suspected of having certain health conditions that need further examination and treatment. The foster village initiative not only assists individuals in addressing anemia and Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) but also strengthens the foundation of community health as a whole. This enables them to have better opportunities to realize their full potential in various aspects of life, including becoming productive and quality members of society.
“Through this initiative, BEM FK UNAIR has been able to strengthen the bond between the community and students, supporting efforts to improve public health, especially in preventing stunting and realizing better health conditions for future generations,” Arief said.
Author: Mutiara Rachmi Karenina
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia