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UNAIR Faculty of Medicine launches 5 books in collaboration with Elsevier

Kegiatan Peluncuran dan Bedah Buku Kedokteran di Aula FK UNAIR pada Selasa (6/8/2024). (Foto: Istimewa)
Book Launch and Review Event at FK UNAIR Auditorium on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Airlangga University Press, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), launched translated books in partnership with the renowned global publisher Elsevier. This book launch marks a significant milestone in enriching Indonesian scientific literature, particularly in the field of Medicine.

Mr. Chee Seng TEO from Elsevier Health Southeast Asia, along with several academics and students, attended the event held on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. They enthusiastically welcomed these books, which are expected to be primary references in medical education in Indonesia.

In his speech, Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, the Dean of Medicine, acknowledged that UNAIR still lags in the number of publications compared to other renowned universities. He hopes that this book launch would serve as motivation and a tangible example for achieving publication targets at Faculty of Medicine.

“The success of this book launch sets an example for academics. Hopefully, each department and study program can aim to publish one book annually,” he stated.

Furthermore, he emphasized the value of book publications. In his opinion, books have an extensive reach and serve as a legacy that can be read by future generations.

“Although they might eventually become outdated, books will remain historical records documenting current medical issues.”

Prof. Santoso greatly appreciated the translation work done by FK UNAIR lecturers and academics. He mentioned that this initiative inspired him to follow their example by launching and publishing books. He also hoped that other academics would share the same enthusiasm.

The launch featured five books meticulously translated by FK UNAIR lecturers. Here is the list of the books:

  1. Diagnosis Fisik Berbasis Bukti (Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis) by Prof. Muhammad Miftahussurur PhD.
  2. Dasar-Dasar Promosi Kesehatan (Fundamentals of Health Promotion) by Dr. Sulistiawati.
  3. Elemen-Elemen Genetika dan Genomik Kedokteran (Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics) by Prof. Viskasari P Kalanjati PhD.
  4. Panduan Praktis untuk Pengajar Kedokteran (A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers) by Prof. Dr. Eighty Mardiyan.
  5. Epidemiologi Gordis (Gordis Epidemiology) by Abdul Khairul Rizki Purba PhD.

Each translator provided an overview of their respective books, discussing their structure and content. They also explained the importance of translation and highlighted interesting aspects of the books. Following the presentations, participants eagerly engaged in discussions.

This book launch is a tangible step towards enriching educational resources in the medical field. Through these translations, students and academics now have access to high-quality references in Indonesian. It supports the development of teaching materials, research advancements, and practical applications by healthcare professionals.

Author: Elsa Hertria Putri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia