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UNAIR Faculty of Medicine leaps to #401-450 in QS WUR by Subject Medicine

UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, has made another outstanding global achievement. In 2022 Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS WUR) by Subject, Faculty of Medicine UNAIR is ranked #401-450. The faculty also leaps to the second rank in Indonesia.

The Dean of Faculty of Medicine UNAIR Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr. Sp.OG(K) said, the academic community is pleased and grateful upon receiving the achievement. He said the result challenges them to improve the educational qualities of Faculty of Medicine.

“Don’t get carried away by this ranking. We should do our three main roles on education, research, and community services. If those are performed well, the ranking will eventually follow as an achievement,” said Prof. Budi.

Dean of Faculty of Medicine UNAIR Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr. Sp.OG(K). (Photo: Alysa Intan Santika)
Positive alumni reputation & relations

The QS WUR used four assessment indicators: employer reputation, academic reputation, research citations per paper, and H-index or the number of published works of the Faculty of Medicine UNAIR. The employer reputation category reached the highest score with 76.5.

Prof. Budi said, alumni take an essential role in the assessment. The employer reputation was measured based on the number of alumni excellent performance in society with specific criteria. For example, as the manager to the head of an institution.

“Our alumni build a strong relationship at national and international levels. Frequently, we invite them here to maintain their sense of belonging,” he added.

Improving citation and publication quality

Apart from the alumni, publications and research also take considerable concern in the QS WUR. Prof. Budi suggested that the lecturers and students cite their predecessors’ published research.

“Our research citations per paper target was around 3.000, but alhamdulillah [thank God] we reached up to 4.600 citations this year,” Prof. Budi said.

Besides, the Faculty of Medicine conducts seminars on research journal writing in the hope for improving published research quality.

Faculty of Medicine next strategy

The professor explained that the Faculty of Medicine UNAIR has used the idea of an entrepreneurship campus since 2021 to improve academic quality. The idea goes together with the transformation era. With lots of advanced technology used in medical sector, such as the surgery robot, FK UNAIR applies the concept and curriculum of entrepreneurship.

“We don’t teach them to run business, instead, we instill the entrepreneurial spirit in them through creative ideas and innovative actions to the available opportunities,” Prof. Budi said.

Author: Alysa Intan Santika

Editor: Feri Fenoria