UNAIR NEWS – Knowledge of reproductive health is often inaccessible when it is important for adolescents. The knowledge is essential to make decisions wisely regarding reproductive organs in their lives.
Every year in Indonesia, 1.7 million women under the age of 24 give birth and almost half a million are teenagers. The phenomenon of risky sexual behavior in adolescents also occurs in Tosari District, Pasuruan Regency. The number of early marriages and being too young to give birth is typical in Tosari.
Therefore, a community service team from the Faculty of Psychology Universitas Airlangga invited the youth for reproductive health education. Youth Posyandu (Integrated healthcare post) is a potential forum because it can improve access and health services for adolescents and youth around the Posyandu.
The activity was designed by a positive youth development framework which believes that positive youth development can help prevent risks that occur during development, including risky sexual behavior. The team designed a comprehensive reproductive health education. In addition to education on adolescent reproductive health, there were briefings related to positive adolescent development.
The education program also aims to promote the 5th SDG on gender equality. This activity was supported by FPsi UNAIR and UNAIR Psychology Community Crisis and Development Center, UNAIR Research and Community Service Institute, involving Tosari Healthcare Center, youth posyandu, and Podokoyo village government. The activity was held on Monday, August 1, 2022, and attended by no less than 32 cadres and members of the Tosari youth posyandu.

Fun and healthy relationship
The materials presented in the educational program discussed ‘Fun and Healthy Relationship’. In addition to discussing how to socialize with the surrounding people, teenagers were also taught how to be assertive when refusing an invitation from a friend or partner that makes them uncomfortable.
“Building healthy relationships as a teenager is very important, especially when teenagers have started to build relationships with the opposite sex. Teenagers must know the limits of sexual activity they are not allowed to do, as well as the impacts that will arise if they make unwise decisions regarding their reproductive organs,” explained Bani Bacan Hacantya Yudanagara SPsi MSi during presentation.
The teenagers were enthusiastic about the events. It started with a speech from the head of the village and continued with an ice-breaking session before the main session.
After the counseling, the attending teenagers were invited to discuss how to be assertive; then some participants were asked to do a roleplay on how to refuse an invitation to have sex from their partner. The series of activities were closed by completing a post-test and a group photo session.
“From the activity, I realized that going too far in a relationship had a bad impact on me. I am more aware of things related to socialization. Then the presentation was also interesting, I want to be able to speak in front of people like that,” said Feli, one of the cadres who serves as the head of the youth posyandu when asked about her impression of the activity.
Overall, the reproductive health education program went smoothly and was well received by the cadres and members of the Tosari Youth Posyandu. (*)
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh