UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) Universitas Airlangga released 17 participants for the MBKM (Freedom of Learning Independent Campus) program initiated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim, on Monday, August 22, 2022. The send-off ceremony was led directly by the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Prof. Dr. Mirni Lamid, drh., MP.
The group departed at 07.00 WIB (Western Indonesia Time). The seventeen students will take part in the MBKM program at Lucky Farm, Mendowo Village, Kandangan District, Kediri.
The MBKM program was opened with remarks by Prof. Dr. Widjiati drh MSi as the chief executive. Followed by several remarks and directions from Sugiyanto as the head of KUD Kertajaya, as well as the handover remarks by Dr Rimayanti drh MKes as Vice Dean 1 of FKH UNAIR.
Dr. Rimayanti explained that the implementation of MBKM UNAIR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine batch 2 was a medium or means of direct learning in the field. That way, students can connect between theory and practice that have been learned during lectures.
“Over the next six weeks, I hope the students can adapt quickly, and I hope you are able to work together and communicate well with groups or village officials here,” she said.
Sugiyanto warmly welcomed the arrival of all MBKM participants. He hoped that the program could educate farmers and workers about livestock management so that they could work more efficiently.
It is not the first time that KUD Kertajaya has collaborated with FKH UNAIR. When the PMK outbreak was at its peak, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine team also helped the KUD to overcome the situation.
Meanwhile, Drh. Eko Yunarko as the person in charge of animal health in KUD Kertajaya also revealed that the students were quite capable when they entered the field.
“At least they can open a business because they already have sufficient capital and knowledge from this MBKM activity. Hopefully, students can love their profession, and the theories they get from campus can be developed in their workplaces,” he added.
On the other hand, Prof. Widji also revealed that after the PMK (foot and mouth disease) cases, varied other diseases are found in the field. With the independent campus program, students not only get demonstrations in lectures, but also learn to deal with real cases and handle livestock directly in the field.
He advised all students to be balanced in carrying out their profession as veterinarians. And, one way to balance it is by participating in the MBKM program.
“My message to students who have not registered for MBKM, MBKM is a learning mediator for you to practice the theory you have learned during lectures. The knowledge gained in the field is also relevant to the theory taught on campus. So, take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine because here you will get directions from those who are experienced and you can hone your skills,” he said.
Editor: Feri Fenoria