Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR FKH forms a team to handle foot and mouth disease (PMK) epidemic in East Java

Foot and mouth disease interactive discussion session, Wednesday, May 11, 2022, via Zoom Meeting

UNAIR NEWS – Foot and Mouth Disease (PMK) epidemic has impacted East Java livestock. As a response, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an interactive discussion inviting Livestock Office and farmers in some regions, especially regions affected by PMK epidemic.

The interactive discussion through Zoom Meeting and YouTube Live on Wednesday, May 11, 2022, presents the Head of PMK FKH UNAIR special team, Prof Dr Fedik Abdul Rantam drh, and spokesperson of PMK FKH UNAIR team, Prof Dr Mustofa Helmi Effendi drh DTAPH.

In the discussion, Prof Fedik suggested that the community should not panic in facing PMK. He explained that cows or livestock affected by PMK could be cured if treatments were done correctly. Furthermore, Prof Fedik stated that to prevent the spread of the virus, the cage’s floor and walls should be sprayed with disinfectants.

“Spraying for foot could also be done with KMnO4. It could be very effective. Moreover, the mouth can be cleaned with 1% or 2% NaCl. It can clean and speed up cow’s recovery,” he explained.

Prof Helmi said that PMK is highly contagious for hooved animals but cannot spread to humans. Therefore, the meat and innards of cows infected with PMK are safe to be consumed because they cannot spread the virus if they are cooked well.

“Thus, this PMK virus is safe for humans, so it is fine, cooked (meat and innards, ed) then distributed. It’s not a problem. It is safe for humans,” revealed Prof Helmi.

Special team in handling epidemic

Furthermore, in her welcoming speech, the Dean of UNAIR Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Prof Dr Mirni Lamid drh MP, mentioned that the webinar held by FKH answered the community’s anxiety. In addition, the problem can be thoroughly discussed regarding the PMK-infected livestock.

“This could be discussed thoroughly with understanding, education, especially education to the veterinarians because we know that many of them in some regions are young,” she added.

Additionally, Prof Mirni revealed that FKH UNAIR had formed a special team to help overcome and handle the PMK epidemic in East Java. They also hold community services to help handle PMK in the community. On Saturday, May 14, 2022, the community service team will be dispatched to two regencies affected by the PMK pandemic.

“Next Saturday, May 14, 2022, we have formed community service teams that we sent to two regencies that will go together,” she stated.

Quoting from CNN Indonesia, the PMK pandemic has been first reported in Gresik Regency, then also found in Lamongan, Mojokerto, and Sidoarjo. At least 1.247 livestock have been infected with PMK. East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa suspected that the cause of PMK in thousands of livestock is coming from illegally imported animals.

Author: Wiji Astutik

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh