UNAIR NEWS – To support the Freedom to Learn – Emancipated Campus (MBKM) program, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has hosted domestic inbound students for one semester through the Independent Student Exchange (PMM) 4 program. UNAIR welcomed 343 students from universities across Indonesia.
On Sunday, June 23, 2024, UNAIR held a send-off ceremony of PMM students who had studied at UNAIR since February. The event, titled “Symphony of MBKM,” took place at Garuda Mukti Hall, Management Office MERR-C Campus served as a heartfelt farewell for the inbound PMM 4 students.
The PMM students brought a new vibrancy to UNAIR. Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, UNAIR’s Vice Rector for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, expressed his deep gratitude to the PMM students gathered in Garuda Mukti Hall. He also shared his hopes for their futures.
On this occasion we would like to thank all the students who during the past 5 months from February to June have participated in PMM. The important thing during your participation in PMM is the learning experience at UNAIR, which, God willing, will be an added value for you. Here, you have had an extraordinary experience, interacting with friends from across the country, UNAIR teaching staff, and students. You also had the opportunity to develop various potentials through modules and cultural exhibitions,” said the Vice Rector in his speech.
Cultural collaboration
The Harmoni Nusantara Dance, which combines traditional dances from Aceh, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and Sumatra, opened the event that day. This performance by PMM students symbolized the strong cultural collaboration within UNAIR.
Prof. Dr. Sukardiman, Director of Academic Affairs Universitas Airlangga, expressed pride in the cultural harmony displayed by the PMM students. He noted a lasting impression from the cultural festival activities held at Mount Bromo.

UNAIR commitment
The Director of Academic Affairs UNAIR expressed his commitment to providing an extraordinary learning experience. “Not only learning in the classroom, but students also experience learning through the Nusantara modules, accompanied by exceptional UNAIR module lecturers, providing valuable experiences for the students,” he said.
Prof. Sukardiman mentioned that 389 courses were taken, with Public Health, Pharmacy, and Informatics Engineering being the most popular programs among PMM students. The Nusantara module activities included 112 cultural diversity activities, 70 reflection activities, 14 social contribution activities, 2 inspirational activities, and 1 cultural festival.
He explained that the Nusantara module activities were held both on campus and in various locations around East Java, such as a disaster module conducted in Lumajang.

Meaningful impression
‘Exchanged Temporarily, Meaningful Forever’ is the slogan of UNAIR’s PMM 4 activity. The program leaves an impression for the participants, including Hizkia Jonathan Purba, an undergraduate Law student from Universitas Riau.
As the Group Leader, he also expressed his gratitude to all lecturers, students, BEM UNAIR, and fellow PMM students.
“Through various activities involving reflection, inspiration, and cultural diversity, we have created beautiful memories that we will carry back to our universities. According to our slogan, our activities may be temporary, but we will be remembered forever by UNAIR students and lecturers, as many students in Indonesia aspire to study at UNAIR,” he said in his remarks.
Author: Febriana Putri Nur Aziizah
Editor : Khefti Al Mawalia