UNAIR NEWS – The International Training and Management Workshop on Managing Science and Technology Parks (STPs) program final session was on Thursday, September 9, 2023. Since opening on Monday, September 4, 2023, the Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) collaborative program with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – COMSTECH took place in two big cities, Surabaya and Jakarta.
For four days, STPs participants took part in various visiting activities. One of them is a visit to the teaching industry led by the Chairman of the Institute of Life Sciences and Engineering (LITHR) Andi Hamim Zaidan, SSi, MSi, PhD. Furthermore, Zaidan, also invited the STPs participants to visit some industries, especially those related to UNAIR.
“We want to provide new experiences for participants to meet and visit various industries, especially export industries and industries that have relations with UNAIR,” said Zaidan.
Synergy in innovation
Furthermore, Zaidan said that the STPs participants showed great enthusiasm while participating in the activities. The participants exchanged stories about innovation development in their respective countries. They also discussed efforts to encourage the younger generation to become entrepreneurs who contribute to the nation.
“They exchanged stories about how they developed innovation. They also discussed how they encourage the younger generation to become entrepreneurs to contribute positively to the nation’s interests,” he explained.
According to Zaidan, this STPs event provided huge benefits for UNAIR. UNAIR gained a lot of knowledge from the OIC representatives, especially regarding innovation and development. It could significantly impact the development of innovation incubation and acceleration, both at UNAIR level and on the global stage.
“Later, what we learn together will be formulated into a handbook or guidebook which will significantly impact innovation, incubation development and innovation acceleration at UNAIR and on the global stage,” explained the Faculty of Science and Technology lecturer.
Visit to PT Biotis
The final activity of STPs was a visit to PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia. PT Biotis is UNAIR’s strategic partner in developing Merah Putih vaccine.
“On the last day, participants from STPS will be invited to visit PT Biotis Pharmaceuticals Indonesia. Biotis is UNAIR’s strategic partner in developing the Merah Putih vaccine. We are also initiating the development of other innovations with PT Biotis,” he said.
The visit to PT Biotis is a means to show that UNAIR and Indonesia, in general, are capable of developing vaccines independently. The visit also showed that UNAIR and Indonesia can develop high-tech products. Hopefully, it can inspire more developments of other innovations on the international stage.
“This is also our means to show that UNAIR and Indonesia can develop a halal vaccine, maybe even the first in the world. We also want to show that we are capable of developing high-tech products. Hopefully, this can inspire developments of other innovations that can compete globally,” he said.
Author: Nuri Hermawan