Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR KKN Group at Pendarungan Village focuses on child sexual violence prevention

The 67th KKN BBK programs at the Pendarungan Village, Kabat sub-district, Banyuwangi. (Source: Personal Document)

UNAIR NEWS – The 67th KKN BBK Group Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) at the Pendarungan Village, Kabat sub-district, Banyuwangi, designs programs to prevent child sexual violence. They held a dissemination on sexual violence prevention.

The topic becomes one of the most prioritized programs of the group, which consists of Nabillah Nur Azizah, Anik Setyawati, Fawwaz Muhammad Raafi, Ra’isul Khabir, Rizki Amalia W, Berlian Ramadhanti, Reza Farhan Bariqi, Salsa Auli, Shinta Ayu Rohmawati, and Nihayah Noor Rohmah.

To UNAIR NEWS, Shinta, the group leader, said that sexual violence prevention has become the flagship of their community service program. “We introduced the body parts autonomy to the children, the parts that anyone can touch and see, the parts nobody can’t touch and see,” she said on Monday, January 30, 2023.

The 67th KKN BBK programs at the Pendarungan Village, Kabat sub-district, Banyuwangi. (Source: Personal Document)

The materials were delivered using songs as the learning media. It helps children to learn more about sexual violence.

Shinta and her group also initiated another special program called “SOLIHAN”, which stands for Sosialisasi Ketahanan Pangan Desa Pendarungan Melalui Budidaya Ikan (Promotion of Food Security in Pendarungan Village through Fish Cultivation.

“We introduce the types of disease in cultivated fishes to the community and fish farmers at the Pendarungan Village. We invited four practitioners for the SOLIHAN program,” Shinta added.

The practitioners are UNAIR lecturers and officials from Fisheries Services of Banyuwangi.

“We have Mr. Arif Habib and Mr. Prayogo from the School of Health Science and Natural Science (SIKIA) and Mr. Ahmad Luthfi and Ms. Fatekhah Charisma from the District Fisheries Services on board,” she said.

Another program

Shinta explained that they also designed programs in four fields, including economics, health, environment, and education,

In the field of health, they initiated stunting and caries prevention (CERI) programs. In the field of environment, they held a waste sorting and planting Tabebuia seeds program.

“In the field of economics, we held digital marketing dissemination for the SMEs. While in the field of education, we conduct an English class and poem writing,” she expanded.

The 67th KKN BBK programs at the Pendarungan Village, Kabat sub-district, Banyuwangi. (Source: Personal Document)

At the end of the interview, she believed that the community service program helps students. Socializing in the community is not as easy as the textbooks make it out to be.

They come to learn a lot from nature and the community. The learning experiences are also developed into something more useful. Shinta and her group expressed their gratitude for the learning opportunity with the community.

“Hopefully, the program can contribute to the community of Pendarungan Village,” she ended.

Author: Dewi Yugi Arti 

Editor: Feri Fenoria