UNAIR NEWS – The lack of knowledge of Bedanten Village residents in Bungah Subdistrict, Gresik Regency, East Java Province, to utilize their natural resources is the reason why the student team of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) 66th KKN-BBM (Community Service Program – Learning with Community) do their community service. The activity, Passion Fruit Dhikr: Realizing Independent Village, which was held on Monday, July 18, 2022 and Thursday, July 28, 2022, will disseminate the processing of passion fruit syrup and the making of liquid fertilizer.
Optimization of village natural resources
Impian Delillah Jazmine, one of the representatives of UNAIR 66th KKN BBM team in Bedanten Village, said that the dissemination of passion fruit syrup processing was carried out because the village has passion fruit plantation which residents only utilized the fruit.
“The residents want to process the passion fruit into a product that can be sold and lasts a long time, but they don’t know have any recipes and how to process it,” she explained.
In the dissemination, participants learned the procedures for processing passion fruit into syrup, giving logo ideas for syrup products, also digital marketing procedures to market the products. Furthermore, the passion fruit syrup processing will be followed up by the girls’ school in Bedanten Village to create an independent village.

Furthermore, UNAIR 66th KKN BBM student team in Bedanten Village also conducted dissemination on the making of liquid fertilizer. The goal is to maximize yields because liquid fertilizer can be made with affordable materials and tools. “Moreover, this liquid fertilizer is made from natural ingredients, so it has minimal side effects and is easy to absorb into the soil,” explained Impian.
Implementation of SDGs
Impian explained that UNAIR 66th KKN BBM team in Bedanten Village also carried out these activities to implement the eighth goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), decent work and economic growth, and 12th SDG, responsible consumption and production. (*)
Author: Tristania Faisa Adam
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh