UNAIR NEWS – In line with the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Pillars of Higher Education), students from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) remain dedicated to serving local communities. Through the Community Service Program (KKN) Learning with Community (BBK) initiative, the KKN-BBK 5 team conducted an awareness campaign on stunting prevention in Sumbersari Village, Saradan Subdistrict, Madiun. The health-oriented program took place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at the Sumbersari Village Hall.
Emphasizing need for prevention
Group leader Annas Zakky Firmansyah highlighted that the high stunting rates in Sumbersari Village inspired the initiative. “Based on village records from December 2024, we found that 19 infants were affected by stunting during our initial survey. This compelled us to coordinate with local authorities to address the issue,” Firmansyah shared.
To ensure effective implementation, Firmansyah’s team collaborated with the Sumbersari Health Center to develop the ACTING (Action to Prevent Stunting) program. “We saw an urgent need for preventive measures and interventions to raise community awareness and reduce stunting cases,” he explained.

Firmansyah stressed that preventing stunting begins with educating pregnant women about the importance of fulfilling nutritional needs during pregnancy. Mothers also need a thorough understanding of infant and toddler nutrition to support their children’s growth and development.
The program received an enthusiastic response from the community, especially among the mothers who attended. “The mothers were very engaged. Many participated actively, and we were pleased to see them grasping the information shared. They left with new insights about proper nutrition and what to avoid to ensure the health of their children,” Firmansyah remarked.
The industrial engineering student noted that the campaign significantly improved community awareness of the importance of nutrition in preventing stunting. “We hope the knowledge they gained today will be put to good use, helping them prepare balanced meals and routinely monitor their children’s development by consulting with health professionals at the local health center,” he added.
Partnering with nutrition expert
The program featured Wahyuni Heri Purwanti, SGz, a nutritionist from the local health center with substantial experience in tackling similar issues. “We invited Ms. Yuyun due to her expertise in nutrition and her familiarity with the conditions in Sumbersari Village,” Firmansyah explained.
The campaign focused on strategies to maximize toddler growth and development. It also stressed the importance of breastfeeding (ASI) and introducing complementary foods (MPASI) at the appropriate time. Mothers play a pivotal role in monitoring their children’s growth, preparing nutritious meals, and maintaining proper nutrition during pregnancy.
Ms. Purwanti provided detailed insights into balanced meal portions and preparation techniques. To assess the program’s effectiveness, the KKN team conducted a post-session test, evaluating how well the mothers had absorbed the information shared during the event.
Author: Nur Khovivatul Mukorrobah
Editor: Edwin Fatahuddin Ariyadi Putra