UNAIR NEWS – The Language and Multicultural Center Universitas Airlangga collaborated with the Pusat Penguatan dan Pemberdayaan Bahasa (Center for Language Strengthening and Empowerment), and Balai Bahasa of East Java held program dissemination on Thursday, March 9, 2023. The ‘Dissemination of Translated Children’s Storybooks’ explains how translated books can be an enrichment of the Indonesian language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA).
The event aims to spread the information to the targeted segment. Therefore, the participants were limited to lecturers and students from the Department of Indonesia Language and Literature, the Department of English Language and Literature, Japanese Studies, and foreign students of BIPA UNAIR.
The first speaker, Ni Putu Ayu Widari, opened the first session by explaining the role and job descriptions of Badan Bahasa. Badan Bahasa’s prioritized programs include literacy of linguistics and literature, protection of language and literature, and the internationalization of Indonesian, which become the basis of BIPA and translation.
“BIPA and translation program aims to improve the function and role of Indonesian as an international language,” Ayu said.
Furthermore, Ayu described the challenges and opportunities in running the programs. It is rationalized by the date of Indonesian speakers, the number of BIPA students, and the large spread of BIPA learning worldwide.
In the second session, Hatta, the second speaker, explained the translated children’s storybooks, which aim to support the diplomacy of language and literacy. Therefore, translated children’s storybooks have several levels and terms.
“Generally, a translated children’s storybook explores several topics, including science, technology, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) for BIPA’s teaching material,” he said.
Translated children’s storybooks are classified into several levels: 1/A-level for the beginner, 2/B-level for the elementary level, 3/C-level for the intermediate, and 4/D-level for the advanced. Each level has different difficulties according to the student’s capability.
“The good news is, these translated books are available on the Education and Culture Ministry (Kemdikbud) webpage along with its translation features for everyone to accommodate BIPA learning and translation experience,” Hatta said.
Author: Widiasih Fatmarani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan