Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Medication Team wins bronze at International Science Project Competition

Illustration: UNAIR Medication Team

UNAIR NEWS – Five UNAIR students, Sulthan Fathi Nur Alauddin (Faculty of Science and Technology ‘19), Ardelia Bertha Prastika (Faculty of Medicine ‘19), Syadilla Rahmansyah (Faculty of Public Health ‘19), Intan Fairuz Zakia (Faculty of Medicine ‘20), and Bernika Citra Dwi Prasetya (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences ‘21) have made an international achievement.

They won Bronze Medal Award in the Life-Science category in International Science Project Competition (INTOC). The award was given by The World Academy of Sciences, Bilkent University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, American Association of Cereal Chemists, CMS at CERB, and NASA FDL.

INTOC is an international competition held via Zoom Meeting and attended by delegations from more than 30 countries. The students came up with Medication: Application-based Health and Tourism Service Package to Restore the Indonesian Tourism Sector to Realize SDGs 2030.

In an interview with UNAIR NEWS, Syadilla said that the idea originated from many people infected with COVID-19. Moreover, she continued, the patient also suffered from other comorbidities that required them to undergo a recovery period in the hospital. Hence, the idea to launch Medication application rose.

“We created Medication to speed up the patient’s healing process,” she said.

Furthermore, Syadilla stated that the application offers custom packages to provide convenience and flexibility for the users to use the available health features. The application provides several excellent features, such as COVID-19 Suspect, Drugs Rehabilitation, Woman Care, Telehealth, Alarm Check-up, Your Insurance, and Budgeting and Financial.

Upon receiving the achievement, Syadilla and her team hope to keep making more ideas to help solve problems in the community.

“Competition is more than just receiving prize or medal. It’s rather a process and the way to help people in general through what we create,” she said.

Author: Indah Ayu Afsari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan