Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR new veterinarians expected to address issues in their surroundings

Vice Rector for Academic, Students, and Alumni Affairs for the 2020-2025 period, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA drh gives a speech. (Photo: SS Zoom)

UNAIR NEWS  – On Thursday, May 19, 2022, on 10th Floor Auditorium of Shared Lecture Building (GKB) MERR (C) Campus Universitas Airlangga, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR held its 167th Veterinarian Inauguration and Oath-taking Ceremony. It inaugurated and took the oath of 118 veterinarians.

On this occasion, Vice Rector for Academic, Students, and Alumni Affairs for the 2020-2025 period, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA drh. attended on behalf of UNAIR Rector. In his speech, he said that in pursuing this profession, the vets must adhere to the code of ethics for veterinarians.

“Respect humanity, and live this profession in an honorable way as you swear. Maintain the dignity and noble traditions of the veterinary profession,” said Prof. Bambang.

Furthermore, he asked the new vets to keep the good reputation of UNAIR and be Airlangga’s knights who are willing to sacrifice for humanity and the welfare of society. “Become a veterinarian who has excellence with morality, a veterinarian who puts professional responsibility ahead of money,” he explained.

Prof. Bambang also conveyed that the veterinary professionals are known as people who play a role in preventing animals from being infected with diseases and able to deal with them through therapies, eradication, and other treatments. But not only that, he said, this profession also plays an important role in ensuring the safety of animal-based food consumed by the public.

“The role of veterinarians is very important in human life because veterinarians contribute in crucial fields, such as food safety of animal origin, prevention of zoonotic and non-zoonotic infectious diseases, development and research for comparative medicine and other things,” explained Prof. Bambang.

Challenges and opportunities for veterinarians, he continued, are the readiness of the veterinary professionals in a strategic national position and as the top strategic policy maker. Veterinarians, he explained, must be able to act as agents of change, be able to understand veterinary legislation well, and be able to promote the existence of veterinary profession in the global arena. They must also direct professional associations in the field not only to focus on livestock, but also in handling pet animals.

“Professionals in the veterinary field must also play a role in maintaining food safety from the problem of antibiotic resistance that has captured the attention of stakeholders in various parts of the world. Veterinarians must be able to take part in efforts to control antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Indonesia,” he explained.

This understanding of the prevention of AMR, he continued, would maintain the sustainability and health of both animals and humans. Before closing his remarks, Prof. Bambang reminded that recently the world of veterinary medicine was shocked by the existence of Foot and Mouth Diseases (PKM) that hit various regions in East Java. Therefore, the preparedness of veterinarians is needed by the community to be adaptive in tackling various threats that may occur again.

“Finally, we hope that these veterinary graduates from FKH UNAIR can practise the veterinary profession with character and competence. As a veterinarian, you must remain a lifelong learner. Congratulations on starting your work, duty and services for human welfare through animal health,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat

Editor: Nuri Hermawan