UNAIR NEWS – The Patient Safety Research Center Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) organized Edusafe Patient Safety 2024 Webinar on “Patient Safety Education for Children and Adolescents” on Saturday, Feb 3, 2024. This webinar, conducted via Zoom meeting and YouTube streaming, focused on the topic of Patient Safety for Children Campaign in Saudi Arabia: Best Practices.
Mecciya Majrashi MBA CPPS CPHQ CPXP presented the topic. She is the President of the Saudi Patient Experience Club and a Senior Patient Safety Specialist at the Saudi Patient Safety Center. According to her, patient safety is crucial for healthcare services to ensure patient safety.
Furthermore, Mecciya described the patient safety system in Saudi Arabia. She revealed that the Saudi Patient Safety Center has initiated the involvement and empowerment of patients and their families. These efforts, she added, can assist and support safer healthcare services.
Patient engagement enhances safety
Mecciya explained that patient engagement in enhancing safety can be achieved through an approach. She mentioned that patients’ medical records facilitate healthcare providers in delivering services. Furthermore, she explained that these results help identify risks during treatment.
“Collecting patients’ medical data can serve as an early detector before healthcare providers proceed with patient care. This approach can minimize the risks of errors jeopardizing patient safety,” she clarified.

Patient safety facilities
Furthermore, Mecciya informed webinar participants about the facilities provided by Saudi Arabia to support patient safety. She mentioned that the Patient Safety Caravan and Salamah Friends Project are patient empowerment initiatives there.
“The Patient Safety Caravan provides healthcare services regarding patient safety by providing information on care planning. Additionally, this facility also works to disseminate correct practices in patient identification, handling procedures, surgeries, and prevention,” she explained.
In addition to the Patient Safety Caravan, Mecciya also elaborated on the Salamah Friends Project. She emphasized that empowering children also requires attention to patient safety support for children. Therefore, she continued, the Salamah Friends Project exists as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of children experiencing healthcare mishandling.
Author: Iratri Puspita
Editor: Nuri Hermawan
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