UNAIR NEWS – Terrible news was reported from Banyuwangi, East Java. A fourth-grade student ended his own life by hanging himself in the house. The police initially suspected the victim committed suicide due to depression from being bullied by his friends for not having a father.
UNAIR NEWS – Terrible news was reported from Banyuwangi, East Java. A fourth-grade student ended his own life by hanging himself in the house. The police initially suspected the victim committed suicide due to depression from being bullied by his friends for not having a father.
“It is a time for reflection for parents, teachers, and children caregivers to take other preventive steps to avoid such mishaps,” she said.
Bullying is not the only highlighted case. It is also related to how parents and teachers provide treatment and education. Both can strengthen children’s various psychological skills when they experience unexpected situations.

Psychological impacts
The Developmental Psychologist stated that bullying brings negative psychological consequences to children. The more it happens, the higher the intensity and more types of bullying. The impact will be even worse.
Multiple impacts of bullying may happen to children. First, stress and anxiety. The bullying victim will be stressed and anxious on a daily basis. They think the environment is not safe and they have no clue when or where the next attack could happen.
Second, constant untreated stress will lead to depression. The bullying victim will suffer deep misery and lose interest in things they love. They are hopeless and losing hope for the future.
Third, children who are bullied feel they are inferior and worthless, especially if they cannot do anything to change the situation.
“Many of the victims are socially isolated. They are isolated from their peers and find it difficult to get along. They get trust issues and have problems communicating with others. These are the consequences, if their friends, excluding the bullies, don’t help or mentally support them,” said the Indonesian Developmental Psychological Association (IPPI) chairman.
Fourth, research revealed that some victims develop violent behavior and aggression due to powerful emotions, upset, anger, and frustration. These negative emotional rushes encourage them to respond to pressure with violence and aggression toward themselves and others.
“Last, other behavioral disorders, like eating disorders and sleep disturbances caused by their state of mind, anxiety-filled emotions, and other discomforts that may happen,” Wiwin said.
Author: Rafli Noer Khairam
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia