UNAIR NEWS – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) gave an award to Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in 2023 Emancipated Learning Awards on Monday, May 29. The award was given for UNAIR’s achievements and support the Emancipated Learning Program – Emancipated Campus (MBKM).
UNAIR Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Students and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto DEA Drh received the award at the Trimurti Arts Building, Prambanan Complex, Yogyakarta.
UNAIR MBKM Mandiri Initiative
MBKM Mandiri is a program of learning activities outside the study program or university, both within the industry and business world. All the technical and financing of this program are managed by the higher education institutions.
UNAIR supports the MBKM Mandiri by issuing a Rector’s Decree (SK) regarding the Implementation of MBKM Mandiri with a program called Learning with Community (BBK). This initiative involves students carrying out flagship programs in the education, environment, health, economic clusters, and community empowerment activities.

In January 2023, the BBK program under the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) successfully deployed 1,458 students with 78 supervisors to 11 regencies and cities. The program was aimed at community empowerment in the post-pandemic era.
Stakeholder synergy
UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Sukardiman Apt MS, said that eight types of self-funded MBKM activities could be converted up to 20 credits for students.
UNAIR held an intensive dissemination of the MBKM Mandiri program to make it a successful activity for all stakeholders. Those involved are vice deans, heads of departments, heads of study programs, and student executive boards (BEM). “We try to increase the number of collaboration partners for UNAIR MBKM Mandiri activities,” he said.
Next plan
This award does not necessarily make UNAIR complacent. Prof. Kardiman said that UNAIR will continue to coordinate the preparation of technical guidelines regarding the program with more details. Furthermore, UNAIR will increase the budget and revise the Airlangga Smart Education guidelines for MBKM implementation at UNAIR.
“Hopefully, the study programs and faculties can continue to increase the number of independent pathway students so there will be more achievements,” he explained. (*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh