Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR Rector responds to new thesis obligation removal policy

UNAIR NEWS – Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Nadiem Makarim has issued several new policies, including removing the thesis obligation. This policy is introduced in Permendikbudristek No.53 of 2023.

Rector of Airlangga University (UNAIR) gave a response on this matter. Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak, said that UNAIR embraced this new policy.

“In this regard, we (UNAIR, ed) welcomes this policy positively. “Students can complete their studies according to their passion and expertise,” he said.

Prof. Nasih explained that this policy does not remove the existence of theses. “Not removing the thesis entirely but providing other options. So now thesis is not the only way, but there are other ways,” he explained.

The new policy says that apart from the thesis, other options exist, such as prototypes, projects and equivalent final assignments. The Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business said that students have the freedom to choose their own graduation path.

“The thesis will still be there, students have other choices, like a project, a prototype, go ahead. Moreover, we have also provided ample space for students to graduate from any path,” said Prof Nasih. UNAIR has implemented another alternative to thesis for graduation requirement, which is an achievement at the National Student Science Week (Pimnas).

Maintain originality

Nevertheless, Prof. Nasih explained that students’ prototypes and projects must always have a narrative and not plagiarize other people’s work. “Whatever the product, there must be a narrative, description and explanation. Originality is non-negotiable. You can’t plagiarize other people’s work,” he explained. Mechanisms for standardizing the originality of works need to be prepared to support this new policy.

“Universities and study programs can determine the mechanism for standardizing originality. If the thesis has a statement letter. However, if it is a product, there must be a test first,” he explained regarding the thesis obligation removal policy.

Prof. Nasih added that in maintaining originality, at least a statement and commitment must be written that if it is proven otherwise, that they have committed plagiarism, they are willing to be punished. The product must also be validly tested to ensure that it conforms to the existing standards.

“So, for example, the work that students produce can be a substitute for fuel, then when tested, the results must be valid,” he added.

Regarding theses and dissertations that are not required to be published, according to Prof. Nasih, the way to test their originality is by publishing them.

“The most appropriate form to test the originality of theses and dissertations is to publish them. So we have to publish it so that people can evaluate it. It’s just that the form can be different from what previously existed,” he said.

Meanwhile, UNAIR is currently working on a thesis exam scheme to improve graduates’ quality by presenting practitioners in their fields. UNAIR plans to implement this scheme next year.

“When a thesis is examined, it will not only be lecturers who test it but also practitioners. Students are assessed on how they answer, how they communicate, and so on. This aims to train them before going to work,“ he concluded. (*)

Author: Icha Nur Imami Puspita

Editor: Binti Quryatul M