UNAIR NEWS – In order to answer all questions regarding the admission of new students in 2022, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an annual event entitled Dissemination of New Student Admissions for the State University Entrance Selection (SNMPTN and SBMPTN) on Friday, January 28, 2022, in Amerta Hall of the Management Office Campus C UNAIR.
UNAIR Rector, Prof. Mohammad Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., emphasized that the majors chosen must be in accordance with the passions and abilities of students, especially on the SNMPTN admission. Students who have been accepted from the SNMPTN admission are no longer allowed to participate in the SBMPTN admission.
“Prospective students must really consider school rankings at the national level and student rankings in schools with the choice of study programs, especially at UNAIR,” said Prof. Nasih.
Meanwhile, as a campus with a position of #465 in the world and #4 in Indonesia, Prof. Nasih said that graduates of Universitas Airlangga are recognized as being able to be accepted for a job because of their quality education process. This is reflected in the employability of UNAIR, which is ranked second.
Universitas Airlangga also accepts students from all over the world through several programs. In addition, UNAIR also provides the widest opportunity for students holding the Indonesia Smart Card-College (KIP Kuliah).
“Students from low-class families can apply for tuition assistance for the KIP Kuliah scheme on the website https://puslapdik.kemdikbud.go.id/,” he said.
Prof. Nasih also gave an overview of several faculties and study programs provided by UNAIR. For example, the medical study program is accredited A and internationally accredited by AUN and ASIIN with a capacity for SNMPTN 50 people, SBMPTN 75 people, and Independent 125 people. Then, the law study program is accredited Excellence along with AUN and FIBAA with a capacity for SNMPTN 42 people, SBMPTN 63 people, and Independent 105 people. Meanwhile, the public health study program is nationally accredited A and internationally accredited by AUN and APHEA with a capacity for SNMPTN 52 people, SBMPTN 78 people, and Independent 130 people.
During the dissemination, many enthusiastic student representatives asked questions about the requirements for study programs that do not apply cross-study policies in accordance with the provisions of the intended universities.
“I would like to ask about the requirements for selecting study programs that do not support cross-study policies in accordance with the provisions of the intended universities. I heard that UNAIR is the one that allows prospective students to study with cross-fields,” asked Sevira Salsabila, one of the questioners.
Answering this, UNAIR Rector said that UNAIR’s cross-studies consider the provisions and potential of high school in accordance with the selection of each study program. For example, an accounting study program requires the ability of numerical aspects.
“The accounting study program still provides opportunities for cross-study. For example, science students who are taught mathematics can continue their studies in Accounting or Development Economics. Therefore, as long as the competence still meets the criteria for the study program, of course, there is no harm in accepting it,” he explained.
Author: Khefti Al Mawalia