Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR releases 1458 students to 11 regencies and cities for community service program

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga once again sent its best students off for 67th Community Service Program (KKN) BBK (Learning with Community) at Airlangga Convention Center, MERR C Campus on Monday, January 9, 2023.

The sending-off ceremony was attended by 1458 students from all faculties at Airlangga University, regional coordinators and 78 field supervisors.

The Head of LPPM, Dr. Gadis Meinar Sari, Dr. MKes said that the BBK (Learning with Community) activity was a real manifestation of students as capital in community life.

BBK (Learning with Community) was called Community Service Program – Learning with Society (KKN-BBM). It was renamed to fully support the Freedom of Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) program launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

The KKN BBK students are assigned to spread across 11 regional districts and cities: Banyuwangi, Jember, Madiun, Kediri, Gresik, Lamongan, Surabaya and Madura. The BPJS (Social Security Administration Agency) also supports the program.

This year, the BBK (Learning with Community) activity carries the theme “Community Empowerment in the Post-Pandemic Era”. “In synergy with the theme, the BBK participants are divided into clusters of education, environment, health, economy, and community empowerment.”

He added that the work program to be prepared by the community must be based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “The work program will be uploaded on each BBK (Learning with Community) social media group,” she added.

In the end, Dr. Gadis hoped the students could be enthusiastic and learn their lessons in BBK activities. She encouraged students to continue to implement the applicable health protocols.

Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia