UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has officially sent off 103 of its top students to participate in the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) and University to University (U2U) programs. The virtual send-off event took place on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.
The ceremony was attended by university and faculty leaders. This year, UNAIR is sending 91 students for the IISMA program and 12 students for the U2U program, an increase from last year’s 57 IISMA participants.
In his address, UNAIR’s Vice-Rector for Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, congratulated the selected students and encouraged them to use this opportunity to exchange experiences with students from around the world.
“IISMA and U2U are not just student mobility programs; they are also cultural diplomacy initiatives. You are ambassadors who will represent Indonesia and UNAIR on the international stage,” said Prof. Bambang.
Collaborative effort
Meanwhile, the Director of Airlangga Global Engagement (AGE), Iman Harymawan PhD, emphasized that the IISMA and U2U programs are collaborative efforts. He noted that these programs require teamwork and collaboration. “You are not only representing yourselves but also UNAIR and Indonesia,” he said.

Iman advised the awardees to build international friendships and collaborations and reminded them to maintain communication with their parents.
“Build networks of friendship and collaboration with students from various countries. This is a great start to building your international careers,” Iman said.
Student commitment
At the send-off event, Salsabila Rabani from FISIP, representing the IISMA awardees, expressed her determination. The IISMA awardee at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands stated she would make the most of this opportunity.
“I will use this opportunity to learn and exchange experiences with students from various countries. I will also strive to uphold the good name of UNAIR and Indonesia on the international stage,” she said.
Meanwhile, Diana Mustika from Faculty of Humanities, as the U2U program representative, expressed her gratitude and commitment. She mentioned that she would use this opportunity to study diligently.
Author: Hana Mufidatuz Zuhrah
Editor: Yulia Rohmawati