Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR student supports East Java private university PPKS task force establishment

Mahardhika (on the left) and PPKS Task Force Team during the briefing at Widyagama University Malang (Photo: Private source doc)
Mahardhika (kiri) dan Tim Saat Sosialisasi di Universitas Widyagama Malang (Foto: Dok narasumber)

UNAIR NEWS – The government has required universities in Indonesia to establish units for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) on campus. The Higher Education Service Institution (LLDIKTI) assists universities in the formation of the PPKS task force. Mahardhika, a student of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) had the opportunity to support private universities in the establishment of their PPKS task force.

“So my job is to contact the PIC (person in charge, ed) of the private universities. There are about 300 universities, our target is about 80 percent of them. I am responsible for a dozen private universities,” he said.

Junior Program Officer is responsible for assisting in the formation of the PPKS Task Force offered by LLDIKTI Region VII in the Batch 6 Certified Internship and Independent Study.

Mahardhika (on the left) and PPKS Task Force Team during the briefing at Widyagama University Malang (Photo: Private source doc)
Mahardhika (on the left) and PPKS Task Force Team during the briefing at Widyagama University Malang (Photo: Private source doc)

Mahardhika’s duties involve aiding the establishment of PPKS Task Forces at private universities in East Java, providing modules and conducting briefings. Some of the universities he has assisted include the Insan Cendekia Mandiri Institute of Technology, Gempol College of Economics, Trunojoyo University Madura, Kahuripan University Kediri, Insan Budi Utomo University, Wira Husada Nusantara Health Polytechnic Malang, Widya Karya Catholic University, Jombang Regency Health Science College, and STIKES Bahrul Ulum Jombang.

“Kahuripan University Kediri went beyond expectation in the process. They formed a committee, coordinated the exam together, and worked with the Pare Police to hold a public test for the selection committee,” he said.

While many tasks, such as contacting the person in charge, can be done from the office, some require Mahardhika to travel, such as conducting socialization at Widyagama University Malang.

Mahardhika’s journey in assisting the formation of the PPKS Task Force has not been without challenges. Some parties are reluctant to form a task force, leaving him with limited options.

“We are frustrated. We cannot do anything either; they have not been able to form a task force for various reasons,” he said.

Nevertheless, he hopes that his efforts will benefit the community. He also aspires for LLDIKTI to achieve higher education environment free from sexual violence and harassment.

Author: Muhammad Naqsya Riwansia

Editor: Feri Fenoria