UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), as one of the best state universities (PTN) in Indonesia, together with UNICEF, contributed to the success of National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) in East Java Province in 2022. It can be seen in the BIAN Weekly Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop for BIAN Working Groups in East Java 2022, held on Friday, August 26, 2022.
In the beginning of the activity, Drg Maria Vincentia Seminar Mahanani MKes, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control at East Java Provincial Health Office, explained the background for 2022 BIAN in East Java. Many children aged zero to eleven months had not received complete basic immunization from 2017 to 2021.
Furthermore, many children aged 12-24 months have not completed further immunizations for DPT-HB-HIP 4 and MR 2. Thus, it is necessary to carry out missed immunizations and complete the child’s immunization status.
Moreover, looking at the outbreak mapping of polio, hepatitis B, pertussis, diphtheria, haemophilus influenza type B, measles, and tetanus (PD3I outbreaks) in East Java Province in 2022, there are still nine districts and cities experiencing the outbreaks. The regencies and cities are Tuban Regency, Magetan Regency, Surabaya City, Mojokerto Regency, Pasuruan City, Pasuruan Regency, Probolinggo City, Probolinggo Regency, and Sampang Regency.
Goals of 2022 East Java BIAN
Therefore, BIAN in East Java Province in 2022 was implemented to solve these problems by maintaining a high population immunity.
“BIAN’s clear goal is to stop the transmission of rubella measles in urban districts, and we have a goal for certification of rubella measles in 2026. Then we must maintain this polio-free Indonesia and move towards its eradication in 2026 and for diphtheria pertussis disease, we must immediately control it, “explained Maria.
UNAIR’s role in 2022 East Java BIAN
Furthermore, Dr. Nyoman Anita Damayanti drg MS as the person in charge of UNAIR and UNICEF Cooperation Program in the maternal and child health field, Geliat Airlangga, said that UNAIR would continue to support 2022 BIAN in East Java Province.
2022 East Java BIAN has an estimated target for additional MR immunization according to the Data and Information Center of Indonesian Ministry of Health, which is 2,352,401 children, and according to the real data collection of regencies and cities, OPV target will be 114,284 children, IPV will be 218,636, and DPT-HB -HIB will be 252,555 children.
“To achieve the targets, of course, we need the roles of various parties. We (UNAIR, ed) also continue to do more vigorous work to achieve BIAN (targets, ed). We have many students, many alumni, which of course we can invite together to make this a success, “explained Nyoman. (*)
Author: Tristania Faisa Adam
Editor: Binti Q Masruroh