UNAIR NEWS – The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed many lives, including thousands of health workers struggling to handle the pandemic in Indonesia. Dr. Yulis Setiya Dewi SKep Ns MNg also shared a sense of loss as the lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing (FKp) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) also lost friends of nurses and health workers.
The treatment room is one of the vulnerable locations becoming a medium for transmitting the Covid-19 virus to health workers. So, to reduce the transmission of the virus, an integrated system is needed for the treatment process and room sanitation monitoring.
“In an advanced technological era, monitoring of health facilities should be a place for treating patients and health workers on duty should be done in real-time,” said Dr. Yulis.
IoT-based monitoring system
Based on this background, her team conducted a research to produce a system and device capable of monitoring treatment rooms. The system called Simoura (Room and air monitoring system) measures room temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, the nitrogen dioxide particles, ammonia gas, and body temperature through sensor detection.
Uniquely, historical measurements can also be stored by integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) system, a cloud-based system. So, this device can simultaneously measure, display monitoring results, and store data through the server.

“The monitoring system is real-time and parties who have access via gadgets can see it,” she added.
Obtaining intellectual property right
In 2022, the invention was registered as a Simple Patent at the Intellectual Property Database (PDKI). Furthermore, Dr. Yulis presented the research results to research inspiration sources, all parties at the forefront of handling Covid-19.
Simoura’s research and development received positive appreciation and support from the East Java Critical Care Indonesia Nurse Association (HIPERCCI) team.
“Hopefully, this system is useful and contributes positively to anyone who uses it,” said Dr. Yulis. (*)
Author: Stefanny Elly
Editor : Binti Q. Masruroh