UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) will launch an electronic Student Identity Card (e-KTM) which can be self printed. It is in line with UNAIR Satu Data’s commitment to provide convenience for the academic community.
With e-KTM, students do not have to worry about losing their Student IDs. As in principle, their data is already stored on the cybercampus.unair.ac.id page .
“So, if you lost your KTM, all you have to do is generate the electronic version. In addition, the cyber page has also been synchronized with Kampus Kita Student app,” said Director of Academic Affairs Prof Dr Sukardiman Apt MS to UNAIR NEWS on Monday, June 20, 2022.
For the class of 2022, KTM is no longer dual function with ATM card because the functions have been split. On the other hand, the previous batch of students can still access ATMs with their old KTM.
According to Prof. Maman, e-KTM has entered the final stage towards its launch. One more step towards the gate. “In a sense, we are just waiting for the approval of the Rector’s decree. So that in the next 2-3 days, it can be accessed,” he said.
The Directorate of Academic Affairs (Dirpen) in collaboration with the Directorate of Information Systems and Digitization (DSID) UNAIR has designed the system well, by adopting systems of e-KTP, e-KK, and other personal documents that contain a QR-code. The system can show valid evidence that the access to the document is the legal owner.
“So, later on, with Kampus Kita Student app, just click the view e-KTM button, the barcode will appear immediately,” said the professor of pharmacy.

Furthermore, the application of e-KTM is not only for new students, but all students because there is an update to the Student Identification Number (NIM), which was initially 11-12 digits, now only 9 digits.
In details, the first digit indicates the level, the second two digits for the faculty and study program, the third two digits is the year of admission, the fourth digit for the semester level, and the last three digits indicate the serial number.
The digital transformation of e-KTM benefits the academic community, especially students. In addition to providing convenience for students when they lose their cards, the study program makes it easy if at any time they need it, but it is hampered because the process of printing new student ID cards is very long.
Lecturers don’t have to bother reprimanding students if they do not bring their KTM during the exam, especially when curating KTM, the photos are often unclear.
Prof. Maman emphasized that if e-KTM is not printed, there is no problem. The rapid development of the times must make a process more flexible and efficient. Through e-KTM, UNAIR encourages us to always be ready and responsive to challenges and changes.
“Hopefully, this will be a form of branding in the future. The launching of e-KTM is also momentum for UNAIR’s top 369 achievements,” said Prof Maman.
Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa
Editor : Feri Fenoria