UNAIR NEWS – Veterinary expert of Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr Budi Utomo drh Msi has commented on the increasing beef price issue. He stated that the skyrocketing cost of beef in Indonesia is triggered by Australian policy factors that reduce the export of live cows to Indonesia because it is still in the recovery of the population while cows in Indonesia are affected by Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).
“The disease was found in Riau Province, that previously occurred in Asian countries including Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia,” explained the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH) UNAIR Professor.
The Professor mentioned that the clinical sign of Lumpy Skin Disease is ranged. Among them are skin lesions, fever, loss of appetite, and death in cows. Its transmission is through insect vectors (mosquitoes and fleas), so it is susceptible to attack other livestock.
“Do not let this disease vector hitching in livestock transport vehicles. Mainly livestock ships used to transport livestock to and from Australia,” he emphasized.

Furthermore, the lack of beef is also caused by the lack of farmer and inseminator’s knowledge. There is abundant availability of cattle dams, but artificial insemination or injectable mating must be done to procreate.
The government is committed to boosting the cattle population in Indonesia through the Special Effort Program of Compulsory Parent Cows Pregnancy (UPSUS SIWAB). However, Prof Budi assessed that the program had not been carried out smoothly. It is found that there are still many that have reproductive disorders.
Prof Budi mentioned that reproductive disorders often occur in the ovarium hypofunction. It means that an ovarian event decreases functionally, so ovulation cannot occur.
“Hypofunction causes no ovulation so that lust does not occur, resulting in livestock inability to produce a calf,” explained the FKH expert.
From the two causes mentioned, Prof Budi hoped that there is an effort to increase alertness, such as tightening biosecurity or the first defense measure, prevention, and control of the entry of outbreaks to be safe.
“Especially for countries detected with lumpy skin disease and the neighboring countries. It should also tightens a very long market chain from breeders to end consumers,” he said.
Furthermore, to achieve self-supporting beef, FKH UNAIR Professor asked the government to provide regulations regarding local beef. At the same time, the academicians and Development Research Center (Balitbang) could improve high-quality local cattle. It can be then supported by private parties related to the empowerment of local cattle farming corporations in many regions.
He said the fulfillment of local Indonesian beef could be achieved if the three parties collaborated well. “So that there is no more dependence on beef or meat imports abroad,” he uttered. (*)
Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia