Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR wins 10 awards at 2022 Diktiristek Awards

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has made extraordinary achievements at the end of 2022. This time UNAIR have won 10 awards at the 2022 Diktiristek Awards. The awards were received directly by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak at The Sultan Hotels Jakarta on Thursday evening, December 15, 2022.

The Diktiristek Award is a place for prestigious appreciation for universities in Indonesia in assessing the implementation of their programs. The annual event was organized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

In the first award, UNAIR won First Place for National Priority Program Award in the Higher Education category, for Independence in the Best Pharmaceutical Field to Support Indonesia’s Health Independence (Merah Putih Vaccines).

The second was the Third Best Award for Learning and Student Affairs in 2022 National Level Most Active Higher Education SPADA Awards category.

Third, in the field of research, UNAIR won an award as the Institution with the Most Scientific Publications for 2020-2022 in the Research, Technology and Community Service Award in the PTN-BH (State University as Legal Entity) category.

Fourth, UNAIR won the Silver Winner of Institutional Award in the Higher Education category with Best Study Permit Management for Foreign Students.

3 Diktiristek Public Relations Awards

Furthermore, in Diktiristek Public Relations Awards, UNAIR managed to get three awards: Silver Winner for Website category; Gold Winner for Social Media category; and Gold Winner for Video Profile category.

2 Diktiristek Partnership Awards

Next, UNAIR also won two awards in Diktiristek Partnership Award. The awards were Bronze Winner in PTN-BH category for Best International Partnerships and Gold Winner in PTN-BH category for Best Industry Partnerships.

UNAIR wins in 2022 Diktiristek Awards

One UNAIR lecturer made an achievement in the event, Alexander Putera Nugraha won Human Resource Award for PMDSU Alumni category.

Meanwhile, Acting Director General of Research and Technology Prof. Ir Nizam MSc DIC PhD IPU ASEAN Eng stated that the award was a form of appreciation for the cooperation built together so far. The theme of Dikti in the last three years is “Gotong Royong”.

“We join hands together to transform higher education towards advanced higher education, which prepares superior, adaptive, creative and innovative human resources, of course with noble character for the bright future of our children,” he said.

On the other hand, for this achievement, Prof. Nasih expressed his appreciation to all parties who have supported UNAIR so far. Both academicians, partners, government, and society. The achievements, he said, were of the entire academic community.

“Of course these (achievements, ed) will be our inspiration and motivation to continue the process to be better and better in the future,” he said.

Prof. Nasih emphasized that all priorities for higher education activities refer to the development of excellent Indonesian human resources. Therefore, UNAIR will continue to innovate and develop education, specifically providing the best educational facilities for students and trying to offer solutions to issues in society.

Author: Feri Fenoria