Universitas Airlangga Official Website

UNAIR’s scientific publications support SDGs achievements

UNAIR NEWS – One of the functions of establishing a university is to conduct research beneficial to society. This function is also carried out by Universitas Airlangga, in addition to providing education and community services.

UNAIR NEWS – One of the functions of establishing a university is to conduct research beneficial to society. This function is also carried out by Universitas Airlangga, in addition to providing education and community services.

Through LIPJPHKI, UNAIR, a state university in Indonesia, is committed to dedicating the research results to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs).

In the process, apart from providing scientific publication incentives to researchers, LIPJPHKI also provides international publication assistance.

So far, UNAIR journals have achieved one Scopus indexed status, one in Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI), five journals in ASEAN Citation Index (ACI), 45 journals in Science and Technology Index, and 29 journals in Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Furthermore, LIPJPHKI facilitates researchers’ patents, copyrights, and trademarks. Legal protection in the form of patents is not obtained after direct research because based on Law Number 14 of 2001 concerning Patents in Indonesia, inventors will only get a patent if they register their inventions.

UNAIR Patents

Asih Saraswati, a staff for Innovation and HKI UNAIR, revealed the number of patented studies produced by UNAIR academic community. From the records, from January 2001 to June 3, 2021, UNAIR had 205 inventions. It was an achievement from an effort towards Top 300 World-Class Universities.

In addition to LIPJPHKI’s role in promoting applicative research, UNAIR Start-up Business and Incubation Development Agency (BPBRIN) also works as a supporting element in accelerating university independence with innovation products’ downstream process.

UNAIR Innovative Products & Startups

BPBRIN was established to initiate, facilitate, organize business development and incubation, and organize activities related to academic and commercial business units at UNAIR. As a result, some of the product innovations that have been mass-produced are Metabolite Stem Cell (PT Phapros), Seaweed Capsule Shell (PT Kapsulindo Nusantara), Male Contraceptive Medicine (PT Javaplant), Exelzyme (PT Petrosida Gresik), Fordontis (PT Konimex), Koniderm ( PT Konimex), Meditea (PT ASIMAS), and Dentolaser (PT Sarandi).

Furthermore, UNAIR also has excellent startups that have provided benefits in the community. Some of them are startup in the health sector with innovations to bring in doctors and medicines anytime and anywhere called Alinamed, startup that meet food needs called Milijo.id, a digital legal platform that connects Indonesian legal practitioners with community called Legalhub.co.id, and many others.

Quoting from the BPBRIN official page, Muhammad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, SE, M.Si., Head of BPRIN invites the community to provide benefits through business.

“Being an entrepreneur is a means of spreading benefits for the people and the nation,” said Nafik.

Through academic efforts and services to the community, UNAIR products are sold without prioritizing the profit but to principles of efficiency, productivity, transparency, and accountability to support the SDGs.

UNAIR, as one of the best universities in Indonesia, encourages the entire academic community to contribute to the wider community. (*)

Author: Viradyah Lulut Santosa

Editor  :  Binti Q. Masruroh