UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga SDGs Center started the 2022 SDGs Kick-Off event virtually through Zoom Meeting application on Friday, June 17, 2022. The event was held to prepare for THE Impact Ranking 2024.
The event was opened by the Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization, and Information Dr Muhammad Miftahussurur MKes SpPD-KGEH PhD. He expressed his gratitude to all parties involved in SDGs because UNAIR was able to make a leap in the global ranking from #400-600 to #200-400.
Dr Miftah said that there was a significant improvement of UNAIR ranking but not enough to keep up with the leaps of other universities in Indonesia.
“If you look at it, from the experience of SDGs last year, we can see that the ranking of the top #100 for SDGs where UNAIR is now in the Top #200-400 world is different from other rankings where they get excellent rank. For example at Top #1-100 the results are quite different from Top #1-100 QS. Even the Top #1-10 are different,” said Dr Miftah.
It means, according to dr. Miftah, UNAIR has the opportunity to enter the Top 100 in THE Impact SDGs.
“When we implement a short-term program, it can have a very big impact. It can be done by personalization in the faculty and requires an understanding of indicators to bring about innovation. Hopefully, later in the Roadshow, SDGs Center will really be able to dig up the ‘hidden treasures’ in every faculty, turning stone into gold,” he added.

The kick-off event was attended by Vice Director 3 of Postgraduate Schools and Vice Dean 3 of all faculties at UNAIR, as well as the team of faculty ambassadors. The event started with a speech from the Head of SDGs Center UNAIR Bayu Arie Fianto SE MBA PhD. A presentation on the achievements of THE Impact Ranking, Ranking Analysis, and SDGs targets for each faculty was presented by the Secretary of SDGs Center Hakim Zulkarnain SKep Ns MSN. After that, it was followed by a discussion and question and answer session that gave rise to ideas that could be implemented immediately. (*)
Author: Bakti Hasanudin
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh