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Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS students visit UNAIR FTMM laboratory

Vernon Ananth Ayodora tests drive an electric car. (Photo: Andri Hariyanto)
Vernon Ananth Ayodora tests drive an electric car. (Photo: Andri Hariyanto)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM) and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS held a program entitled Sustainable Industrial Devices, Artificial Intelligence, and Internet of Things (SIDAFIT) 2023 on Thursday, May 4, 2023. FTMM introduces the potential of Renewable Energy and Green Technology in Indonesia.

Vernon Ananth Ayodorai, one of the inbound SIDAFIT participants, said the activity also includes lab activitiesThe Research Center (RC) laboratory and manufacturing laboratory are the main objectives of this activity.

Showing UNAIR FTMM student innovation

During the visit to the research center (RC) lab, they checked out gunt 250.01, a solar panel simulation tool. It is usually located on the Shared Lecture Building (GKB) rooftop in MERR-C Campus. There was also a solar tracker which is useful for trance/following absorbed sunlight sources and for observing solar panel cleaning robots called ARVOS to carry out microgrid and wind turbine simulations. They also observed several research supports such as drones, thermal cams, sensors, and various instrumentation tools.

Furthermore, Vernon and 14 other participants tested some of the innovations, such as an electric scooter and an electric car. The electric scooter results from an innovation made by FTMM students at the 2022 PLN ICE (Innovation & Competition in Electricity) event. It has a motor capacity of 2 kW with an average speed of 50 km/hour and a maximum speed of 70 km/hour. Furthermore, there is an electric convertible car with a full charging capacity of around 3 hours.

He hopes that from the collaboration, there will be more visits by Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS students to UNAIR and vice versa.

“Apart from exchanging knowledge and discussing projections of technology development, I hope that in the future, more and more of our students will have the opportunity to collaborate in future activities,” concluded Vernon. (*)

Author: Dhurriah Zain

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia