UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) once again hosted the Joint Basic Learning (PDB) Expo, on Thursday, June 20, 2024 along the boulevard in MERR-C Campus, UNAIR.
In his opening remarks, the Chairman of UPKK Universitas Airlangga, Syahrur Marta Dwi Susilo PhD expressed gratitude for the successful organization of this year’s PDB Expo. “Alhamdulillah, in its third year, we can once again hold the PDB Expo smoothly,” he said.
This year marks the third PDB Expo since its inception in 2022. Syahrur explained that 131 classes participated in this year’s event, including 126 regular classes, three classes from the Gresik and Lamongan campuses, one international class, and one transfer program class. “Thus, with each class having ten groups, there are over 3,100 projects showcased by our students,” said Susilo.
Book launch
A notable highlight of this year’s PDB Expo was the launch of an anthology book authored by PDB class students. Titled Zilenial: Kebangsaan dalam Keseharian (Zillenial: Nationalism in Daily Life), Susilo noted that the book aims to inspire UNAIR students to share their thoughts to public.
“A book addressing national issues from the perspective of Generation Z can serve as motivation, demonstrating that any thought intended for the community can find a platform,” Susilo said.

In agreement with Syahrur, UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Sukardiman praised the event. He stated that the launch of the students’ book signified the immense potential of Generation Z. He also commended the ideas, creativity, and concepts showcased by the students in their final PDB class projects.
“It is extraordinary to see more than 3,100 PDB student projects. This is undoubtedly an impressive achievement, and the book launch further illustrates our students’ ideas, motivation, and creativity. Moreover, their literacy skills deserve commendation,” said Prof. Sukardiman.
Following the speeches, the event was officially opened by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, who marked the opening by sounding the gong. Prof. Nasih then invited PDB students to share their experiences from the PDB classes, including the completion of their projects.
In the end, Prof. Nasih and the university leadership reviewed the students’ projects. He praised their efforts and expressed hope that their innovations and ideas would continue to develop.
Author: Yulia Rohmawati