Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Visiting Scandinavian countries, UNAIR strengthens collaboration with world-class partners

dr Miftah (far right) and Bayu Arie (far left) after discussion. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga continues to take steps to be among world-class universities. In addition to improving the quality of education, UNAIR consistently continues to collaborate with various partners, nationally and globally.

In this regard, the Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization, and Information, Dr Muhammad Miftahussurur MKes SpPD KGEH PhD and Head of UNAIR SDGs Center Bayu Arie Fianto SE MBA PhD, last month visited various Scandinavian countries to strengthen UNAIR partnerships and internationalization.

To UNAIR NEWS, on May 13, dr Miftah, as UNAIR Vice Rector for Internationalization, Digitalization, and Information, said that the visit he and his team made to several Scandinavian countries was to strengthen the role of SDGs. The Sustainable Development Goals have become the focus of UNAIR and various universities globally. He also learned many important lessons from the ten-day visit.

“One of them was during a visit to the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. Their SDG implementation has been very optimal, one of them by optimizing the partnership programs with industry,” he explained.

Furthermore, dr. Miftah also said that the SDGs program at the university is also included in the education curriculum. It would certainly optimize the university’s role in implementing SDGs points further.

“In fact, at KTH, there is already a special institution handling SDGs programs,” he said.

Asked about the partnerships with UNAIR, dr Miftah said that in the future, UNAIR will ask the KTH Royal Institute of Technology to give a workshop to UNAIR in terms of implementing the SDGs in the education curriculum and implementation in the community.

“What is also important is the adjunct professor related to renewable energy and the climate crisis currently engulfing the world,” he explained.

At the end, dr. Miftah also explained that he and his team also visited the Indonesian Embassy in Denmark and Norway. It was one of the main agendas to strengthen UNAIR’s role and progress to become more global.

Author: Nuri Hermawan