UNAIR NEWS – To strengthen its recognition and networks worldwide, UNAIR, as one of the leading universities in Indonesia, continues to collaborate with partners overseas. This time, UNAIR has got a partnership offer with Solent University England.
During the visit, the Head of International Office Solent University, Emma Heathcote, offered a Parallel Degree program partnership in Management, Accounting, Law, and Psychology. The meeting was held in Kahuripan building, Management Office, MERR (C) Campus on Thursday, May 19, 2022. UNAIR Director of Academic Affairs, Director of Academic Innovation and Development, and the representatives from each faculty in UNAIR also attended the meeting.
In her speech, Emma admitted that she is pleased and excited to be able to explore any partnerships with UNAIR. Apart from being one of the leading universities in Indonesia, UNAIR has a good reputation, even at the international level.
“We have numerous excellent courses in Management and International Business. It is always a pleasure to collaborate with UNAIR in many things,” she said.
Emma also offered the Parallel Degree between Solent University and UNAIR with a 2+2 mechanism, 2-year-study in UNAIR and 2-year-study in Solent or 3+1 mechanism, 3-year study in UNAIR and 1-year in Solent.
In the discussion, each faculty presented their program including the previous and ongoing double degree program. The vice-dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Endang Retno Surjaningrum PhD stated that the UNAIR Faculty of Psychology had done partnerships with various universities.
“We suggest that the Parallel Degree conducted in 2+1+1 mechanism. In the final year, the student will be in Indonesia, but still connected with Solent,” she added.
In the end, both parties hope the partnership will continue further. The collaboration is not limited to student mobility, but also to more complex programs such as research, lecturer, and staff exchanges.
Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan