Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Western Sydney University Indonesia – UNAIR to collaborate in enhancing Tridharma commitments

Western Sydney University Indonesia (WSUI) visit on Thursday, Jan 18, 2024, at Plenary Meeting Room Fourth Floor Management Office Building, UNAIR Kampus MERR-C.
Western Sydney University Indonesia (WSUI) visit on Thursday, Jan 18, 2024, at Plenary Meeting Room Fourth Floor Management Office Building, UNAIR Kampus MERR-C.

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a Strategic Meeting with Western Sydney University Indonesia (WSUI) on Jan 18, 2024, at the Plenary Meeting Room, 4th Floor, Management Office, MERR-C Campus. Several representatives from UNAIR faculties, including the Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM), attended the meeting. Additionally, Prof. Amir Mahmood, the Pro Vice Chancellor and Provost of WSU, was present.

The primary agenda of the meeting was a discussion on collaborative research and community development. Moreover, there was an introduction to international programs offered by various faculties at UNAIR.

“I am proud to highlight our shared commitment and university system in nurturing academic excellence. Also, to promote this international collaboration,” said Prof. Amir.

He revealed that in 2022, WSU had a special opportunity to host inbound students and was responsible for introducing the environment at WSU.

During the meeting, there was an introduction to the World University Association for Community Development (WUACD) program, established by UNAIR in 2018. WUACD focuses on enhancing the quality of community service programs in Indonesia and abroad in collaboration with other WUACD members.

Collaboration in community service among universities plays a crucial role in increasing the impact of the programs. Such collaboration can bring together various resources with expertise and focus from different universities. Thus, the conducted programs can be more comprehensive and sustainable.

In addition to community service activities, UNAIR organizes workshops and training sessions for faculty members and students. One of UNAIR’s focuses is the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Western Sydney University Indonesia (WSUI) visit on Thursday, Jan 18, 2024, at Plenary Meeting Room Fourth Floor Management Office Building, UNAIR Kampus MERR-C.

One of the faculties presenting ideas in the meeting was the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (FTMM). Mirza Ardella Saputra SSi MSc PhD, a lecturer at FTMM, mentioned that the faculty has study programs in electrical engineering, industrial engineering, nanotechnology engineering, data science technology, as well as robotics engineering and artificial intelligence, with potential applications in energy and green energy.

“Our faculty can perform at its best, particularly in community development or community service. In fact, we have a program next month focusing on sustainable energy and green technology,” explained Mirza.

As a university fully supportive of collaborative activities, UNAIR has various potential collaborations with international partners. These include staff exchanges, student exchanges, collaborations and publications, international conferences, and internship programs.

Author: Maissy Ar Maghfiroh

Editor: Feri Fenoria