Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Writing about AI-based applications, UNAIR FIB student wins 1st Place in national essay competition

Congratulations to Yulia Rohmawati for her achievement in Winning 1st Place in the National Essay Competition commemorating Student Health Day. (Photo: SS Ig)

UNAIR NEWS – Another brilliant achievement was made by students of History Study Program, Faculty of Humanities (FIB), UNAIR. Yulia Rohmawati won First Place in the national essay competition held by the Vocational School Medical Team, IPB University.

Interviewed by UNAIR NEWS on Monday, April 25, 2022, Yulia stated that the idea she presented was in line with the competition’s theme, “The Impact of Online Lectures on Students’ Eye Health.” During online lectures, the frequency of students staring at monitor screens has increased significantly. These activities will eventually cause Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). In this regard, she proposed an app called ACOVS (Alert for Computer Vision Syndrome) in the hope of preventing the fatal impact of CVS.

“The idea I brought up was an application based on artificial intelligence called ACOVS (Alert for Computer Vision Syndrome), whose goal is to prevent worsening eye damage in students due to the increasing use of gadgets, laptops, and other devices in the period of online lectures,” she said.

Yulia further explained how the application works. The ACOVS app was created based on the 20-20-20 technique, where for twenty minutes, the user will rest their eyes and look at objects twenty feet or six meters away for twenty seconds. The application works by giving a warning signal to the user when it reaches the maximum limit of staring at the screen.

“So, ACOVS acts as a signal, for example, if you have been looking at the monitor for twenty minutes, this application will give a warning signal, so the user takes a short break. Also, with the distance, for example, if the user has crossed the distance limit to the monitor, then the application will give a warning,” she explained.

In the process, Yulia admitted that she did not experience any significant problems even though she focused on social humanities. She got around it by working extra during brainstorming, looking for data and making the app design.

Proud of her achievements, she hopes she can continue to innovate and create new ideas. “Hopefully, I can continue to innovate again in the future. This achievement makes me even more excited to join other competitions. Hopefully, we can win again and again in the future,” she concluded.

Author: Indah Ayu Afsari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan