Universitas Airlangga Official Website



The symbol of Universitas Airlangga is Garuda Mukti ridden by the incarnation of Batara Wisnu namely Prabu Airlangga which means wise, powerful, and refined. Next is a picture of an eagle being ridden by Vishnu carrying an urn filled with amrita water. It is said that the water can revive the dead and is eternal. The outer part is a circle of golden chains which is likened to students studying at Universitas Airlangga who are expected to be unbroken links for the glory of the alma mater, nation and humanity. Meanwhile, the basic yellow color is considered majestic and blue indicates knighthood and the depth of soul. 


Preceded by the unveiling of Wishnu statue’s cloak in yellow and blue, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno inaugurated Universitas Airlangga. To capture the event, on the advice of Prof. R. M. Soejoenoes, the colors of the cloak were established as the colors of the university’s flag. Yellow means majesty, while blue is a sign of chivalry and a deep soul.


(Introductory Poem)

Di Timur Jawa Dwipa (In East Java)
Megah Engkau Bertahta (Magnificently You Reign)
Ksatria Airlangga (Airlangga Knights)
Kusuma Negara (The Country’s Heroes)
Dari Engkau Kudapat (From You I Inherit)
Budaya Pusaka (Cultural Heritage)
Airlangga Dikau Permata (Airlangga, You are the Jewel of)
Indonesia Raya (Greater Indonesia)

(Praise Poem)

Bagimu Almamater (To You, Alma Mater)
Kuberjanji Setia (I Pledge My Loyalty)
Berdharma Bakti Suci (And My Sacred Service)
Berjasa Mulia (To Be Honorable)
Belajar Untuk Nusa (To Study for the Nation)
Indonesia yang Kucinta (My Beloved Indonesia)
Airlangga Engkau Hiduplah (Long Live Airlangga)
Airlangga Tetap Kau Jaya (Glory to Airlangga)

Song: Abdoes Saleh
Introductory Poem: R. Bahrawi Wongsokoesoemo
Praise Poem: Abdoes Saleh

Megah perkasa berdiri (Magnificently standing)
Di persada pertiwi (On the motherland)
Bersuluhkan Pancasila (Embracing Pancasila)
Bernaungkan Dwiwarna (Under the Bicolor Flag)
Airlangga almamater tercinta (Airlangga my beloved alma mater)
Sumber ilmu pembina sarjana (Source of knowledge for scholars)
Pengemban amanat bangsa (Carrier of the nation’s mandate)
Kami putra Airlangga (We are Airlangga’s sons)
Kami cinta nusa dan bangsa (We love the homeland and the nation)
Wujudkan cita-cita mulia (To achieve noble causes)
Adil makmur karta raharja (A just, prosperous, and peaceful society)

Song & Lyrics: Soepardi K.
Arrangement: Irawati

Di Bawah Merah Putih (Under the Red and White)
Kita Bekerja (We Perform)
Bersulut Pancasila (With the Spirit of Pancasila)
Kita Usaha (We Make Efforts)
Semoga Tuhan Yang Esa (May God Almighty)
Mengarunia Kita (Bless Us)
Keluarga Besar Airlangga (Airlangga Big Family)
Jaya dan Sentosa (Glory and Prosperity)