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Biodegradation of Hydrogel Scaffold Derived from Eggshell Hydroxyapatite, Collagen, and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate

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Biodegradation is one of the important characteristics in hydrogel scaffold to support the regeneration process, including pulp tissue regeneration. Recent research has focused on synthesizing scaffolds made from hydroxyapatite, collagen, and Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate (EGCG). These scaffolds have been produced in various concentrations of hydroxyapatite, and their degradation capabilities have been observed over several days.

can be initiated by hydrogel scaffold application in the pulp

Formulation and Characterization of HAp-Col-EGCG Scaffold

The collagen solution was mixed with hydroxyapatite and the EGCG solution. After that, the hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) was added to get achieve good gelation stability.

Biodegradation of the HAp-Col-EGCG scaffold

The biodegradation test of the HAp-Col-EGCG scaffold was observed on days 3, 7, and 14. This process began with freeze-drying the scaffold, followed by immersion in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution containing lysozyme enzyme. The degradation of the scaffold was assessed by calculating the percentage of weight loss using a specific formula.

The results of the biodegradation test among the groups of HAp-Col-EGCG scaffolds showed that the degradation rate on day 3 and 7 was higher compared to the degradation rate on day 7 and 14. Biodegradation can be influenced by several factors, including the molecular weight, pore diameter of the scaffold, and time.

From this research, it is known that the HAp-Col-EGCG scaffold meets the criteria of a hydrogel scaffold that can be degraded in physiological fluids. This characteristic supports previous studies that stated the HAp-Col-EGCG hydrogel scaffold has the potential to be used as a material for pulp regeneration induction.

Authors: Dr. Elline SpKG (K), Prof. Dr. Kun Ismiyatin, drg., MKes., SpKG(K), Prof. Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy S., drg., M.Kes., Sp.PMM (K)

Elline1,2, Kun Ismiyatin3,Theresia Indah Budhy4. Novel Biodegradable Hydrogel Scaffold Based on Hydroxyapatite Eggshell, Collagen, and Epigallocathecin-3-Gallate

Authors: Dr. Elline SpKG (K), Prof. Dr. Kun Ismiyatin, drg., MKes., SpKG(K), Prof. Dr. Theresia Indah Budhy S., drg., M.Kes., Sp.PMM (K)

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Elline1,2, Kun Ismiyatin3,Theresia Indah Budhy4

Novel Biodegradable Hydrogel Scaffold Based On Hydroxyapatite Eggshell,Collagen, and Epigallocathecin-3-Gallate.2023. Open Access Journal. Vol 20, issue 38
