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Causes of Low Exclusively Breastfed Babies Rate in Indonesia

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Mother’s milk is an ideal nutrient for the baby because it contains all the nutrients the baby needs including some substances that protect the baby against various diseases. At national level in 2019, 67.74% of babies are exclusively breastfed. This number has surpassed the 2019 Vital Arrangement focus (50%). However, there are 4 out of 34 provinces in Indonesia (11.76%) that have not reached the 2019 Vital Arrangement target, including Gorontalo Area (49.29%), Maluku (43.35%), Papua (41.42%), and West Papua (41.12%).

Cause of the low exclusively breastfed baby rate is multifactorial. This study proves the strong correlation between the fourth visit of antenatal care, the delivery in healthcare facilities, early initiation of breastfeeding, the percentage of smoking mothers, and the exclusively breastfed babies rate across 34 provinces in Indonesia.

The inequality of exclusive breastfeeding scope is quite high in several regions in Indonesia proves the inattention of strategy implementation to improve the exclusive breastfeeding, mainly the exclusive breastfeeding improvement factors.

The study shows the higher rate of the 4th antenatal care visit, the higher the exclusively breastfed babies rate. Preparation of exclusive breastfeeding starts from the third semester of antenatal care, due to the first lactogenesis process when breast milk begins to be produced. The other study also shows that breastfeeding education during antenatal is an effective way to to increase the level of self-efficacy of breastfeeding, which enhances the practice of exclusive breastfeeding.

The place of delivery is a matter of preference for the mother. This study shows that the higher the rate of delivery in a healthcare facility, the higher the rate of exclusively breastfed baby. The place of delivery in the healthcare facility is related to the role of health worker in the success of exclusive breastfeeding. The health worker plays an important role in the initiation of exclusive breastfeeding. The delivery in healthcare facility helps promoting the breastfeeding program.

Exclusively breastfed baby rate is related to the high rate of early initiation of breastfeeding. The benefit of immediate breastfeeding after delivery is to prevent infant death and becomes the first step to determines the success of breastfeeding in children. Mothers who initiate early can use the practice of exclusive breastfeeding because they are certain and eager to exclusively provide the milk for six months.

Exclusively breastfed babies rate is correlated to the percentage of the smoking mother. The change of mother’s milk composition in smoking mother, as the content of lipids, calories, and protein decrease. The other indications are the decreasing antioxidant and the change in immunity status. Smoking in pregnancy is mostly identified as a causing factor of breastfeeding non-initiation and early termination.

Based on the result, it is advisable for the government to frame a particular policy in order to improve the rate of exclusively breastfed babies in targeted areas by the fourth visit of antenatal care, delivery in health care facilities, and early initiation of breastfeeding which currently is in a low rate, and in the particular areas with a high percentage of smoking mothers.

Authors: Eny Qurniyawati, Fariani Syahrul

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Qurniyawati, E., & Syahrul, F. Correlation Study Coverage of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Risk Factors in Indonesia. The Indonesian Journal of Public Health, 17(1), 158-170.