UNAIR NEWS – Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), held the 4th International Conference on Physical Instrumentation and Advanced Materials (ICPIAM 2023) on October 24, 2023. This year, 65 participants from various parts of the world took part in the ICPIAM.
“This conference is a form of FST UNAIR’s commitment to increase internationalization. This event is not just a conference activity, but it provides benefits. The selected works will be published in the SCOPUS journal The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Publisher,” explained Dr Khusnul Ain MSi, Chairman of ICPIAM 2023.
The ICPIAM Chairman said that the event was a continuation program of the national seminar from FST UNAIR in 2004-2012. He added that UNAIR’s continuous effort of internationalization encouraged FST UNAIR to transform national seminars into international conferences. According to him, this is the right step to connect domestic and foreign universities.
Spreading benefits through collaboration
In an interview with UNAIR NEWS, Former Chairman of ICPIAM, Herri Trilaksana, SSi MSi PhD, said that internationalization is important for every university. For him, internationalization at universities provides benefits for students, lecturers, and universities. Moreover, Indonesian universities have high competitiveness on the international stage.
Herri Trilaksana continued, this year, ICPIAM collaborated with Jember State University and the Sumatra Institute of Technology (ITERA). This collaboration is UNAIR’s support as one of the best universities in Indonesia to invite and assist other universities in increasing internationalization.
Not only useful, the conference is a forum for undergraduate and master’s students to explore and have the opportunity to make wide connections and make international publications. These two things are important and useful for students who have the desire to continue their studies.
“Of course, ICPIAM will be a sustainable program in the following year, and there is a big possibility to expand collaboration with other universities. Hopefully, ICPIAM will bring benefits to the wider community,” he made an emphasis.
Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia