Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Commitment to education quality improvement, UNAIR Rector inaugurates 6 professors

UNAIR NEWS – The Rector of Universitas Airlangga Prof Dr. Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak inaugurated six professors on Wednesday, October 25, 2023. The inauguration ceremony, which held at the Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR MERR-C Campus Management Office, was the fourth ceremony of the month.

The professors are Prof Dr Akhmad Taufiq, SPi, MSi; Prof Dr Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, SE, MSi; Prof Dr Muryani, DraEc, MEMD; Prof Rr. Retno Widyowati, SSi, Apt, MPharm, PhD; Prof Dr Eduardus Bimo Aksono Herupradoto drh, MKes; and Prof Dr Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati, dr, SpOG (K).

In the opening speech, Prof. Nasih expressed his hope that the newly inaugurated professors would always receive blessings and grace from the Almighty.

Part of the academic forum

“The professor’s inauguration is a part of the academic forum, where knowledge prevails. In the realm of knowledge, benefits and blessings will be bestowed upon all of us,” he said.

The rector also expressed his gratitude towards the guests who attended the inauguration. “Thank you to all the attendees, the seniors, the researchers, and everyone who loves to learn,” he said.

“God’s countless blessings have been showering us in every second, from the oxygen we took and the functioning organs in our system. We should be grateful for everything God has gifted, which allows us to gather in this forum,” he said.

Being the highest academic position, the ‘professor’ title is not given to just anyone. Only the chosen ones get the privilege of becoming a professor.

Commitment to education quality improvement

“We hope that the newly-inaugurated professors will improve our energy and spirit to create quality education. UNAIR aspires to be a leading university in terms of educational excellence,” the rector said.

Besides, he hoped that the employability rate of UNAIR graduates would increase. UNAIR remains focused and committed to enhancing the quality of education by providing its students with up-to-date knowledge.

“For UNAIR lecturers, developing research skills and experiences are necessary. Lecturers must engage in research and contribute to the development of knowledge,” he said.

The six newly inaugurated professors are expected to continue the process of advancing knowledge and technology to be conveyed to students and the community.

“I believe the position is not the end of the journey. It’s a stepping stone to contribute even better,” he said.

Author: Dewi Yugi Arti

Editor  : Binti Q. Masruroh