UNAIR NEWS – Rector of Universitas Airlangga ( UNAIR ), Prof Dr Mohammad Nasih SE MT Ak , inaugurated seven new professors of UNAIR. The addition of these professors will further strengthen UNAIR’s role in education, domestically and globally. The inauguration ceremony took place on Wednesday, October 18, 2023, at Garuda Mukti Hall, UNAIR.
The seven professors are Prof Dr dr Prastiya Indra Gunawan SpA (K), Prof Dr dr Achmad Chusnu Romdhoni Sp THK-KL(K) FICS, Prof Dra Heny Arwati MSc PhD, Prof Dr dr Rosy Setiawati SpRad (K), Prof Dr Tika Widiastuti SE MSi, Prof Dian Yulie Reindrawati SSos MM PhD, and Prof Dr Drs Edy Jauhari MHum.
“Hopefully, the knowledge from these professors will become more useful, develop and spread more goodness, not only personally but also for others,” said the rector in his speech.
Humans must think
The rector said that professors must be able to expand their range of usefulness. He assessed that with the scientific authority that a professor has, the responsibility is even greater. People will see every behavior and speech they make.
He added what differentiates humans from other creatures, such as animals, is critical thinking. Humans have control over their thoughts and behavior. Therefore, thinking is the main characteristic of a human being. So, a perfect human is a human who always thinks, especially for the benefit of those around them.

“Thinking makes us exist. One of the elements of thinking is generating critical thinking about an issue,” he added.
Criticism through scientific works
So, as a professor, critical thinking skills must continue to be improved for scientific development. This critical thinking skill can be demonstrated in various ways, such as making a discovery, providing input to policymaking, and other things. According to him, criticism is not only of people but also of the system.
“We can criticize verbally but be careful, not towards people about their race or religion, but rather his violation to the norms,” he said.
The rector explained that the weakest faith is criticizing by heart and not showing it. As an academic, it is not appropriate to criticize by heart or remain silent when you see the violation. An academic must produce actions and works. (*)
Author: Afrizal Naufal Ghani
Editor : Binti Q Masruroh