Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Infographic: Distinguish GERD and Gastric Acid and know their preventive measures

UNAIR NEWS – GERD and stomach acid may sound familiar. However, many people still think they are the same. Although both are disorders of the digestive organs, stomach acid and Gerd have differences in symptoms and causes.

Special Consultant on Gastric and Liver diseases, Prof. Muhammad Miftahussurur, MD, SpPD-KGEH, PhD, explains that GERD and stomach acid are actually related. The causes of stomach acid are bacteria, medication influences, or lifestyle and dietary patterns.

“However, most GERD is caused by an increase in acid levels in the cells lining the stomach, from the stomach to the esophagus,” he added.

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Distinguish GERD and Gastric Acid and know their preventive measures