Universitas Airlangga Official Website

Infographic: Women’s Reproductive Health Management During Menstruation from Islamic Perspective

infographic on mestrual blood and istihadhah
Infographic by: Sofia Almira Tsabitha

Maintaining reproductive health, especially during menstruation, is crucial for every woman. From a Syari’ perspective, menstruation (haid) is considered natural blood that flows from the uterus as part of a woman’s cycle upon reaching maturity (baligh). Menstrual blood is typically dark red, has a distinctive odor, and does not clot. In contrast, istihadhah is abnormal bleeding that occurs in large quantities or continuously. It is usually lighter in color, thinner in consistency, and clots quickly, resembling blood from a wound.

Here are some steps to maintain reproductive health during menstruation: regularly change sanitary pads, wash your hands before changing pads, wear breathable, sweat-absorbent underwear, avoid delaying or hastening menstruation unless absolutely necessary, such as for religious purposes like umrah or hajj.


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