UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) lecturers have made another proudest achievements. Three UNAIR lecturers made the list of World’s Top 2 Percent Scientists 2023 released by Stanford University and Elsevier. They are Ferry Efendi SKep Ns MSc PhD, Prof Dr Ratna Dwi Wulandari SKM MKes, and Prof Dr Moh Yasin MSi.
The three lecturers come from different scientific disciplines. Ferry comes from the Faculty of Nursing (FKp), Prof Ratna from the Faculty of Public Health (FKM), while Prof Yasin comes from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST).
Making the list of World’s Top 2 Percent Scientists, Ferry expressed his gratitude for this achievement. “It is an achievement that I must be grateful for and, at the same time, reminds me that there is a lot of work to do,” he said.
Meanwhile, Prof. Ratna could not believe that she was on the list. She believes this achievement is a new challenge. “Certainly grateful for this achievement. I feel that this is actually a challenge in itself,” she said.
The struggles of these three lecturers were not easy. But their struggles finally come to fruition. The key is to continue the process, collaborate, be persistent, committed and work hard.
Selection process
This achievement is the most prestigious ranking globally for lecturers and researchers. They had to undergo a selection process and came on top of 180,000 world scientists. Academics’ scientific achievements, as measured by the bibliometric index of Scopus data, is one of the indicators of the selection process.
“The criteria are researchers with a high Scopus H-Index, high impact factor, significant total citations and other strong bibliometric indicators,” explained Ferry.
Tips for writing scientific paper
Writing scientific paper is a challenge for lecturers. However, they have various tips for writing scientific journals. According to Ferry, tips for staying productive in writing are setting a schedule and finding a mentor. One of the platforms that benefits Ferry’s productivity is UNAIR Menulis.
“Tip for staying productive in writing is to set a regular schedule and seek support from an academic network or mentor. Furthermore, UNAIR Menulis activities for me is an example of good practice for building a writing culture among academics,” he explained.
Meanwhile, the tip for writing a scientific paper that Prof Ratna conveyed was not to give up. Accepting criticism with open arms is also important. “It is not permissible to involve feelings in matters of scientific journals. Don’t feel insecure if your writing gets criticized. The more criticism we get, the more opportunities we have to make a better scientific paper,” she explained.
UNAIR supports
UNAIR always provides support to the entire academic community to develop. The running ecosystem makes them motivated to make an impact. “UNAIR’s support is very holistic, from upstream to downstream. The ecosystem is well-organized and supports all academics at any level to impact nationally and internationally,” explained Ferry.
In agreement with Ferry, Prof Ratna felt that UNAIR’s supports for the academic community is excellent. “UNAIR is very good at facilitating its researchers. Not only in terms of support but funding,” she said. (*)
In agreement with Ferry, Prof Ratna felt that UNAIR’s supports for the academic community is excellent. “UNAIR is very good at facilitating its researchers. Not only in terms of support but funding,” she said. (*)
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh