UNAIR NEWS – The karate-do student club of Universitas Airlangga makes the alma mater proud once again. They swept 35 medals in the 5th National Karate Championship 2024, which was held at the GOR Vira Cakti Yudha, Singosari, Malang on February 24-25, 2024.
The new captain of the UNAIR Karate-do Club, Sekar Ayu Putri Nugraheni, admitted that the contingent needed thorough preparation for this championship, as they had to compete against thousands of other participants from various universities across Indonesia.
“Seeing other formidable contingents, we started our preparations earlier and utilized the semester break. We used that spare time to train more diligently to deliver the best performance during the championship,” said Sekar.
Huge responsibility
Leading dozens of contingents from UNAIR is not as easy as turning one’s hand. The UNAIR Karate-do Club has an impressive track record of achievements. For Sekar, it is such a significant responsibility to maintain these accomplishments.
“One of my ways to deliver a good performance for the team is by engaging in physical training every weekend. It aims to build physical endurance during competitions,” she said.
Sparing is also conducted to train the athletes. For Sekar, sparring is a strategic step to prepare the physical and mental aspects for the contingents who will compete in this championship.
“Sparing aims to simulate and train both the contingents and new members of Karate-do, offering a first-hand experience of actual competition,” she explained.
Sekar extended her gratitude to the alumni and Sensei who have provided mental and physical support for this championship. “I am aware that the role of alumni and Sensei has a significant impact on the current achievements of the club,” she said.
Winning team
UNAIR medalists in the 5th National Karate Championship 2024:
- Adelia Novitanalia (1st Place Individual Kata for Female Students and General Category)
- Vincentia Laura Marshanda (2nd Place Individual Kumite for Female Students and General Category)
- Alif Nur Azizah (2nd Place Individual Kata for Female Students and General Category)
- Gita Damayanti (1st Place Individual Kumite -68kg for Female Students and General Category; 1st Place Individual Kumite -68kg Under-Senior Female; 2nd Place Team Kumite Under-Senior Female)
- Abel Adhelya Kusuma Wardani (2nd Place Individual Kata for Female Students and General Category)
- Bella Rahmadany (2nd Place Individual Kata for Female Students and General Category)
- Maysya Dwi Rahmawati (2nd Place Individual Kumite +68kg for Female Students and General Category)
- Fauzan Rhizky Kurniawan (1st Place Individual Kumite -67kg for Male Students and General Category)
- Asyraf Risqullah Walfaizin (2nd Place Individual Kumite -55kg for Male Students and General Category)
- Rifqi Bagus Estiawan (2nd Place Individual Kumite +84kg for Male Students and General Category)
- Roni Dwi Wahyudi (1st Place Individual Kumite -55kg for Male Students and General Category)
- Dona Avriel Raydzaky (2nd Place Individual Kumite -60kg for Male Students and General Category)
- Jasmine Awliya (2nd Place in Individual Kata)
- Nabil Satryaji Wiramahdi (2nd Place in Individual Kata for Students and General; 2nd Place in Individual Kumite -60 Kg for Students and General)
- Muhammad Iqbal Purnama (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -67 Kg for Students and General)
- Aurellia Nydia Damayanti (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -55 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Jesica Wida Danissa (1st Place in Individual Kumite -50 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Nisrina Marsa Salzabil (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -68 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Rizka Alya Damayanti (1st Place in Individual Kumite -55 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Dita Narulita (1st Place in Individual Kumite -68 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Jenny Fitria Evalin Kocu (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -50 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Wila Rai (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -50 Kg for Students and General, Female; 1st Place in Individual Kata for Students and General, Female)
- Riswan Chandra Faulana Bukhori (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -60 Kg for Students and General, Male)
- Adinda Putri Jelita (2nd Place in Individual Kata for Students and General, Female)
- Sekar Ayu Putri Nugrahaeni (1st Place in Individual Kumite -50 Kg for Students and General, Female; 2nd Place in Team Kumite Under-Senior, Female)
- Stefanus Adi Nugraha (2nd Place in Individual Kata for Students and General, Male)
- Maulana Biagi Zaen (2nd Place in Individual Kumite -75 Kg for Students and General, Male)
- Thinesh Raj A/L Thambirajah (2nd Place in Individual Kata for Students and General, Male)
- Fadhila Nashwa Hafiza Permana (1st Place in Individual Kumite -61 Kg for Students and General, Female)
- Naila Syauqina (1st Place in Individual Kumite -50 Kg for Students and General, Female; 1st Place in Individual Kata for Students and General, Female; 2nd Place in Team Kumite Under-Senior, Female)
- Jenny Fitria Evalin Kocu (2nd Kumite -50kg Students and General, Female)
Author: Satrio Dwi Naryo
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia