Universitas Airlangga Official Website


The Board of Trustees (MWA) is an organ of Universitas Airlangga (Unair) that sets and deliberates the implementation of general policies.

There are 21 MWA members consisting of: a minister, the rector, six people from the Academic Senate, one Lecturer, one education personnel member, and, 11 people representing the public.

The MWA has a supporting institution in carrying out its functions, namely the Audit Committee (KA) which is tasked to evaluate the results of the Universitas Airlangga audits independently.

  1. To establish general policies on the administration of Unair.
  2. To affirm the proposed amendment to the Unair Statute.
  3. To certify strategic plans, work plans and annual budgets.
  4. To instruct the Academic Senate to select rector candidates.
  5. To select, appoint, and dismiss the leader and members of the Audit Committee.
  6. To appoint and dismiss the leader and members of the Audit Committee.
  7. To certify members of the Academic Senate.
  8. To conduct the annual evaluation of Unair performance.
  9. To evaluate the accountability reports of the Rector, Academic Senate, and the Audit Committee.
  10. To prepare, together with the Rector, the Unair annual report which is submitted to the Minister.
  11. To strive to fulfill Unair’s financing needs in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  12. To resolve Unair problems, including financial problems, that other Unair organs cannot solve based on their respective authorities.


CHAIR OF MWA (2017-2022)

Dr. H. Sunarto, S.H., M.H.


1Prof. Dr. KH. Ma'aruf Amin Community
2Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, MT., SE., Ak, CMARector (ex-officio)
3Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.AMinister of Education and Culture (ex-officio)
4Prof. Dr. Muhadjir Effendy, M.A.P.Community
5Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC., CLU.Community
6Dr. Sri Suryati SoetarjoCommunity
7Prof. Dr. dr. Nicolaas C. Budhiparama, Ph.D, Sp.OT (K), FICSCommunity
8Prof. Dr. Drs. Prasetio, Ak., CA., S.H., M. Hum.Community
9dr. Nizar Yamanie, Sp.S (K)Community
10Prof. Muslich Anshori, S.E., M.Sc., Ak. CA.Community
11Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., SpPD, K-GH, FINASIMAcademic Senate
12Prof. Dr. Musta’in, Drs., M.Si.Academic Senate
13Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, S.H., M.M., M.H.Academic Senate
14Dr. Rizki Andini, S.Pd., M.Litt., Ph.D. Academic Senate
15Prof. Dr. Imam Mustofa, drh., M.Kes. Academic Senate
16Dr. Muhammad Luthfi, drg., M.Kes.Academic Senate
17Dian Ekowati, S.E., M.Si., M. AppCom (OrgCh)., Ph.D.Lecturer
18Lilik Erlinawati F, S.E.Administrative Staff
19Head of Student Executive BoardStudent Community

The Audit Committee (KA) is part of the MWA that independently evaluates the results of non-academic audits on Unair administration, acting for and on behalf of the MWA.

The KA consists five people: a chairman who concurrently is also member, a secretary who concurrently is also a member, and three members.

Tasks of the Audit Committee:

  1. To establish internal and external audit policies for Unair in the non-academic field;
  2. To evaluate the results of internal and external audits on Unair;
  3. To draw conclusions on the results of internal and external audits on Unair;
  4. To give the MWA considerations and suggestions on non-academic issues; and
  5. To conduct risk management analysis as a material for consideration in the utilization of Unair assets proposed to the KA.


1Drs. Ec. Ahmad Cholis Hamzah, MSc.CHAIRPERSON
2Djoko Dewantoro, Drs., M.Si., Ak. BKP. CA. Ph.DSECRETARY
3Amang Rofí,i SHMEMBER
4Drs. Widartoyo, Ak., MM., M.Si., CPA., CAMEMBER
5Habib Basuni, SE., Ak., M.Ak., CA., CPA.MEMBER