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UNAIR Robotics and AI Engineering lecturer responds to Elon Musk’s brain-implanted chip

UNAIR NEWS – Elon Musk, a renowned global entrepreneur, persists in creating groundbreaking innovations. Recently, one of his companies, Neuralink, caused a stir by claiming to have successfully implanted a chip into the human brain. 

Through his social media platform, Elon Musk stated that the chip implantation surgery went smoothly. The initial results showed promising spikes in neurons. Neurons, with their integrated electrical and chemical signals, play a crucial role in building complex communication networks within the nervous system.

In response to this, Rizki Putra Prastio Ssi MT, a lecturer in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (TRKB) at Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR), explained the matter. In the field of electronics, a chip is an integrated circuit (IC).

“A chip is a component that consists of smaller components. Its essential components include transistors and tiny capacitors. The number of components can exceed millions. Chips are widely used in electronic equipment,” Tio explained.

Chips serve various functions depending on their intended use. Typically, several chips are integrated to perform a task, producing outputs according to the user’s desires.

In the brain, many electrical impulses command the hands, feet, and mouth to move. Thus, humans can interact with others. Chips implanted in the brain must connect to specific nerves linked to motor nerves.

“The issue that arises, requiring the implantation of chips in the brain, is when a person wants to move, and there are problems in the communication pathway. However, the brain is still alive, but the impulses in the brain cannot convey this communication,” explained Tio.

Rizki Putra Prastio Ssi MT responded to a chip implanted in brain

Something implanted in the body must be biocompatible to avoid rejection. If the chip used is not inherently biocompatible, then its casing must be compatible and non-toxic. 

Potential of chip implantation 

Tio supports Neuralink’s action of implanting chips in the brain. This could assist patients in translating their thoughts into physical movements, bridging the gap for those in need.

However, it is not impossible that negative impacts may arise from the chip implantation. Robots can move according to what we think, but we do not know what components are inside. It could potentially be controlled from the outside,” said the FTMM lecturer. 

He further expressed that Neuralink’s actions signify technological advancement and human civilization. What was once thought impossible can now happen.

“This is a sign of changing times, the development of science that inevitably requires humans to be able to face it,” Tio said.

Author: Maissy Ar Maghfiroh

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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